
134 lines
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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2020 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <queue>
#include "Pcsx2Types.h"
#include "wx/bitmap.h"
#include "wx/checkbox.h"
#include "wx/gdicmn.h"
#include "wx/slider.h"
#include "wx/spinctrl.h"
#include "wx/dcbuffer.h"
struct ImageFile
wxBitmap image;
wxPoint coords;
u32 width = 0;
u32 height = 0;
struct AnalogVector
wxSlider* slider = 0;
wxSpinCtrl* spinner = 0;
u8 val = 127;
bool isControllerBypassed = false;
bool widgetUpdateRequired = false;
u8 prevVal = 127;
bool UpdateData(u8& padDataVal, bool ignoreRealController, bool readOnly);
struct AnalogPosition
wxPoint centerCoords;
wxPoint endCoords;
int lineThickness = 0;
int radius = 0;
class VirtualPadElement
bool currentlyRendered = false;
wxCommandEvent ConstructEvent(wxEventTypeTag<wxCommandEvent> eventType, wxWindow *obj);
wxCommandEvent ConstructEvent(wxEventTypeTag<wxSpinEvent> eventType, wxWindow *obj);
virtual void EnableWidgets(bool enable) = 0;
virtual void Render(wxDC& dc) = 0;
virtual void Reset(wxEvtHandler* destWindow) = 0;
virtual void UpdateGuiElement(std::queue<VirtualPadElement*>& renderQueue, bool& clearScreenRequired) = 0;
class ControllerButton
bool isControllerPressBypassed = false;
bool pressed = false;
bool prevPressedVal = false;
bool widgetUpdateRequired = false;
bool UpdateButtonData(bool& padDataVal, bool ignoreRealController, bool readOnly);
class ControllerNormalButton : public ControllerButton, public VirtualPadElement
ImageFile icon;
wxCheckBox* pressedBox = 0;
bool UpdateData(bool& padDataVal, bool ignoreRealController, bool readOnly);
void EnableWidgets(bool enable) override;
void Render(wxDC& dc) override;
void Reset(wxEvtHandler* destWindow) override;
void UpdateGuiElement(std::queue<VirtualPadElement*>& renderQueue, bool& clearScreenRequired) override;
class ControllerPressureButton : public ControllerButton, public VirtualPadElement
ImageFile icon;
wxSpinCtrl* pressureSpinner = 0;
u8 pressure = 0;
bool isControllerPressureBypassed = false;
u8 prevPressureVal = 0;
bool UpdateData(bool& padDataVal, bool ignoreRealController, bool readOnly);
bool UpdateData(u8& padDataVal, bool ignoreRealController, bool readOnly);
void EnableWidgets(bool enable) override;
void Render(wxDC& dc) override;
void Reset(wxEvtHandler* destWindow) override;
void UpdateGuiElement(std::queue<VirtualPadElement*>& renderQueue, bool& clearScreenRequired) override;
class AnalogStick : public VirtualPadElement
AnalogVector xVector;
AnalogVector yVector;
AnalogPosition positionGraphic;
void EnableWidgets(bool enable) override;
void Render(wxDC& dc) override;
void Reset(wxEvtHandler* destWindow) override;
void UpdateGuiElement(std::queue<VirtualPadElement*>& renderQueue, bool& clearScreenRequired) override;