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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "SysForwardDefs.h"
#include "common/Exceptions.h"
#include "common/SafeArray.h"
#include "common/Threading.h" // to use threading stuff, include the Threading namespace in your file.
#include "vtlb.h"
#include "Config.h"
typedef SafeArray<u8> VmStateBuffer;
class BaseVUmicroCPU;
class RecompiledCodeReserve;
// This is a table of default virtual map addresses for ps2vm components. These locations
// are provided and used to assist in debugging and possibly hacking; as it makes it possible
// for a programmer to know exactly where to look (consistently!) for the base address of
// the various virtual machine components. These addresses can be keyed directly into the
// debugger's disasm window to get disassembly of recompiled code, and they can be used to help
// identify recompiled code addresses in the callstack.
// All of these areas should be reserved as soon as possible during program startup, and its
// important that none of the areas overlap. In all but superVU's case, failure due to overlap
// or other conflict will result in the operating system picking a preferred address for the mapping.
namespace HostMemoryMap
// Main
static const u32 MainSize = 0x14000000;
// PS2 main memory, SPR, and ROMs (approximately 40.5MB, but we round up to 64MB for simplicity).
static const u32 EEmemOffset = 0x00000000;
// IOP main memory and ROMs
static const u32 IOPmemOffset = 0x04000000;
// VU0 and VU1 memory.
static const u32 VUmemOffset = 0x08000000;
// Bump allocator for any other small allocations
// size: Difference between it and HostMemoryMap::Size, so nothing should allocate higher than it!
static const u32 bumpAllocatorOffset = 0x10000000;
// Code
static const u32 CodeSize = 0x0F100000; // 241 mb
// EE recompiler code cache area (64mb)
static const u32 EErecOffset = 0x00000000;
// IOP recompiler code cache area (32mb)
static const u32 IOPrecOffset = 0x04000000;
// newVif0 recompiler code cache area (8mb)
static const u32 VIF0recOffset = 0x06000000;
// newVif1 recompiler code cache area (8mb)
static const u32 VIF1recOffset = 0x06800000;
// microVU1 recompiler code cache area (64mb)
static const u32 mVU0recOffset = 0x07000000;
// microVU0 recompiler code cache area (64mb)
static const u32 mVU1recOffset = 0x0B000000;
// SSE-optimized VIF unpack functions (1mb)
static const u32 VIFUnpackRecOffset = 0x0F000000;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SysMainMemory
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This class provides the main memory for the virtual machines.
class SysMainMemory final
const VirtualMemoryManagerPtr m_mainMemory;
const VirtualMemoryManagerPtr m_codeMemory;
VirtualMemoryBumpAllocator m_bumpAllocator;
eeMemoryReserve m_ee;
iopMemoryReserve m_iop;
vuMemoryReserve m_vu;
const VirtualMemoryManagerPtr& MainMemory() { return m_mainMemory; }
const VirtualMemoryManagerPtr& CodeMemory() { return m_codeMemory; }
VirtualMemoryBumpAllocator& BumpAllocator() { return m_bumpAllocator; }
const eeMemoryReserve& EEMemory() const { return m_ee; }
const iopMemoryReserve& IOPMemory() const { return m_iop; }
const vuMemoryReserve& VUMemory() const { return m_vu; }
bool Allocate();
void Reset();
void Release();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SysAllocVM
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SysAllocVM
virtual ~SysAllocVM();
void CleanupMess() noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SysCpuProviderPack
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SysCpuProviderPack
void ApplyConfig() const;
// GetCpuProviders - this function is not implemented by PCSX2 core -- it must be
// implemented by the provisioning interface.
extern SysCpuProviderPack& GetCpuProviders();
extern void SysLogMachineCaps(); // Detects cpu type and fills cpuInfo structs.
extern void SysClearExecutionCache(); // clears recompiled execution caches!
extern std::string SysGetBiosDiscID();
extern std::string SysGetDiscID();
extern SysMainMemory& GetVmMemory();
// special macro which disables inlining on functions that require their own function stackframe.
// This is due to how Win32 handles structured exception handling. Linux uses signals instead
// of SEH, and so these functions can be inlined.
#ifdef _WIN32
# define __unique_stackframe __noinline
# define __unique_stackframe
// Different types of message boxes that the emulator can employ from the friendly confines
// of it's blissful unawareness of whatever GUI it runs under. :) All message boxes exhibit
// blocking behavior -- they prompt the user for action and only return after the user has
// responded to the prompt.
#ifndef PCSX2_CORE
#include <wx/string.h>
namespace Msgbox
extern bool Alert( const wxString& text, const wxString& caption="PCSX2 Message", int icon=wxICON_EXCLAMATION );
extern bool OkCancel( const wxString& text, const wxString& caption="PCSX2 Message", int icon=0 );
extern bool YesNo( const wxString& text, const wxString& caption="PCSX2 Message", int icon=wxICON_QUESTION );
extern int Assertion( const wxString& text, const wxString& stacktrace );
#ifdef _WIN32
extern void CheckIsUserOnHighPerfPowerPlan();
extern void SetCPUState(SSE_MXCSR sseMXCSR, SSE_MXCSR sseVUMXCSR);
extern SSE_MXCSR g_sseVUMXCSR, g_sseMXCSR;