Add code for website

This commit is contained in:
987123879113 2020-11-28 19:12:03 +09:00
parent bc3e9167ed
commit de7afcba80
4 changed files with 567 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -12,3 +12,10 @@ optional arguments:
--keycode KEYCODE Key code
--retries RETRIES Retry count
## Building Javascript
Note: pscript is required to build the rtcpass.js file required for the webpage.
python3 -c "import pscript; pscript.script2js('')"

index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
max-width: 1000px;
padding:4% 4%;
margin: auto;
h1 {
input {
transition:all 0.3s;
::placeholder {
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
[type="text"] {
font-family:Consolas, monaco, monospace;
border:2px solid #4DA8DA;
[type="submit"] {
#password {
border:2px solid #203647;
<script src="rtcpass.js"></script>
function generatePassword() {
var serial = document.getElementById('serial').value;
var keycode = document.getElementById('keycode').value;
var curDate = new Date();
var dateYear = ((curDate.getFullYear() % 100)).toString().padStart(2, '0');
var dateMonth = (curDate.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
var dateDay = curDate.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
var date = dateYear + dateMonth + dateDay;
var seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(1024));
var password = encode_firebeat_recovery_password(serial, keycode, date, seed, true);
document.getElementById('password').value = password;
<h1>Firebeat RTC Recovery Password</h1>
<form id="passform" action="javascript:generatePassword();">
<input id="serial" type="text" placeholder="Serial/License" minlength="9" maxlength="9" required />
<input id="keycode" type="text" placeholder="Key Code" minlength="8" maxlength="8" required />
<input type="submit" value="GENERATE" />
<input id="password" type="text" placeholder="Password" onfocus=";" readonly />

rtcpass.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
/* Do not edit, autogenerated by pscript */
var _pyfunc_divmod = function (x, y) { // nargs: 2
var m = x % y; return [(x-m)/y, m];
var _pyfunc_enumerate = function (iter) { // nargs: 1
var i, res=[];
if ((typeof iter==="object") && (!Array.isArray(iter))) {iter = Object.keys(iter);}
for (i=0; i<iter.length; i++) {res.push([i, iter[i]]);}
return res;
var _pyfunc_format = function (v, fmt) { // nargs: 2
fmt = fmt.toLowerCase();
var s = String(v);
if (fmt.indexOf('!r') >= 0) {
try { s = JSON.stringify(v); } catch (e) { s = undefined; }
if (typeof s === 'undefined') { s = v._IS_COMPONENT ? : String(v); }
var fmt_type = '';
if (fmt.slice(-1) == 'i' || fmt.slice(-1) == 'f' ||
fmt.slice(-1) == 'e' || fmt.slice(-1) == 'g') {
fmt_type = fmt[fmt.length-1]; fmt = fmt.slice(0, fmt.length-1);
var i0 = fmt.indexOf(':');
var i1 = fmt.indexOf('.');
var spec1 = '', spec2 = ''; // before and after dot
if (i0 >= 0) {
if (i1 > i0) { spec1 = fmt.slice(i0+1, i1); spec2 = fmt.slice(i1+1); }
else { spec1 = fmt.slice(i0+1); }
// Format numbers
if (fmt_type == '') {
} else if (fmt_type == 'i') { // integer formatting, for %i
s = parseInt(v).toFixed(0);
} else if (fmt_type == 'f') { // float formatting
v = parseFloat(v);
var decimals = spec2 ? Number(spec2) : 6;
s = v.toFixed(decimals);
} else if (fmt_type == 'e') { // exp formatting
v = parseFloat(v);
var precision = (spec2 ? Number(spec2) : 6) || 1;
s = v.toExponential(precision);
} else if (fmt_type == 'g') { // "general" formatting
v = parseFloat(v);
var precision = (spec2 ? Number(spec2) : 6) || 1;
// Exp or decimal?
s = v.toExponential(precision-1);
var s1 = s.slice(0, s.indexOf('e')), s2 = s.slice(s.indexOf('e'));
if (s2.length == 3) { s2 = 'e' + s2[1] + '0' + s2[2]; }
var exp = Number(s2.slice(1));
if (exp >= -4 && exp < precision) { s1=v.toPrecision(precision); s2=''; }
// Skip trailing zeros and dot
var j = s1.length-1;
while (j>0 && s1[j] == '0') { j-=1; }
s1 = s1.slice(0, j+1);
if (s1.slice(-1) == '.') { s1 = s1.slice(0, s1.length-1); }
s = s1 + s2;
// prefix/padding
var prefix = '';
if (spec1) {
if (spec1[0] == '+' && v > 0) { prefix = '+'; spec1 = spec1.slice(1); }
else if (spec1[0] == ' ' && v > 0) { prefix = ' '; spec1 = spec1.slice(1); }
if (spec1 && spec1[0] == '0') {
var padding = Number(spec1.slice(1)) - (s.length + prefix.length);
s = '0'.repeat(Math.max(0, padding)) + s;
return prefix + s;
var _pyfunc_int = function (x, base) { // nargs: 1 2
if(base !== undefined) return parseInt(x, base);
return x<0 ? Math.ceil(x): Math.floor(x);
var _pyfunc_op_add = function (a, b) { // nargs: 2
if (Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b)) {
return a.concat(b);
} return a + b;
var _pyfunc_op_equals = function op_equals (a, b) { // nargs: 2
var a_type = typeof a;
// If a (or b actually) is of type string, number or boolean, we don't need
// to do all the other type checking below.
if (a_type === "string" || a_type === "boolean" || a_type === "number") {
return a == b;
if (a == null || b == null) {
} else if (Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b)) {
var i = 0, iseq = a.length == b.length;
while (iseq && i < a.length) {iseq = op_equals(a[i], b[i]); i+=1;}
return iseq;
} else if (a.constructor === Object && b.constructor === Object) {
var akeys = Object.keys(a), bkeys = Object.keys(b);
akeys.sort(); bkeys.sort();
var i=0, k, iseq = op_equals(akeys, bkeys);
while (iseq && i < akeys.length)
{k=akeys[i]; iseq = op_equals(a[k], b[k]); i+=1;}
return iseq;
} return a == b;
var _pyfunc_op_error = function (etype, msg) { // nargs: 2
var e = new Error(etype + ': ' + msg); = etype
return e;
var _pyfunc_op_instantiate = function (ob, args) { // nargs: 2
if ((typeof ob === "undefined") ||
(typeof window !== "undefined" && window === ob) ||
(typeof global !== "undefined" && global === ob))
{throw "Class constructor is called as a function.";}
for (var name in ob) {
if (Object[name] === undefined &&
typeof ob[name] === 'function' && !ob[name].nobind) {
ob[name] = ob[name].bind(ob);
ob[name].__name__ = name;
if (ob.__init__) {
ob.__init__.apply(ob, args);
var _pyfunc_op_mult = function (a, b) { // nargs: 2
if ((typeof a === 'number') + (typeof b === 'number') === 1) {
if (a.constructor === String) return, b);
if (b.constructor === String) return, a);
if (Array.isArray(b)) {var t=a; a=b; b=t;}
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
var res = []; for (var i=0; i<b; i++) res = res.concat(a);
return res;
} return a * b;
var _pyfunc_range = function (start, end, step) {
var i, res = [];
var val = start;
var n = (end - start) / step;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
val += step;
return res;
var _pyfunc_str = String;
var _pyfunc_sum = function (x) { // nargs: 1
return x.reduce(function(a, b) {return a + b;});
var _pyfunc_truthy = function (v) {
if (v === null || typeof v !== "object") {return v;}
else if (v.length !== undefined) {return v.length ? v : false;}
else if (v.byteLength !== undefined) {return v.byteLength ? v : false;}
else if (v.constructor !== Object) {return true;}
else {return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(v).length ? v : false;}
var _pymeth_append = function (x) { // nargs: 1
if (!Array.isArray(this)) return this.append.apply(this, arguments);
var _pymeth_format = function () {
if (this.constructor !== String) return this.format.apply(this, arguments);
var parts = [], i = 0, i1, i2;
var itemnr = -1;
while (i < this.length) {
// find opening
i1 = this.indexOf('{', i);
if (i1 < 0 || i1 == this.length-1) { break; }
if (this[i1+1] == '{') {parts.push(this.slice(i, i1+1)); i = i1 + 2; continue;}
// find closing
i2 = this.indexOf('}', i1);
if (i2 < 0) { break; }
// parse
itemnr += 1;
var fmt = this.slice(i1+1, i2);
var index = fmt.split(':')[0].split('!')[0];
index = index? Number(index) : itemnr
var s = _pyfunc_format(arguments[index], fmt);
parts.push(this.slice(i, i1), s);
i = i2 + 1;
return parts.join('');
var _pymeth_index = function (x, start, stop) { // nargs: 1 2 3
start = (start === undefined) ? 0 : start;
stop = (stop === undefined) ? this.length : stop;
start = Math.max(0, ((start < 0) ? this.length + start : start));
stop = Math.min(this.length, ((stop < 0) ? this.length + stop : stop));
if (Array.isArray(this)) {
for (var i=start; i<stop; i++) {
if (_pyfunc_op_equals(this[i], x)) {return i;} // indexOf cant
} else if (this.constructor === String) {
var i = this.slice(start, stop).indexOf(x);
if (i >= 0) return i + start;
} else return this.index.apply(this, arguments);
var e = Error(x);'ValueError'; throw e;
var _pymeth_join = function (x) { // nargs: 1
if (this.constructor !== String) return this.join.apply(this, arguments);
return x.join(this); // call join on the list instead of the string.
var _pymeth_lower = function () { // nargs: 0
if (this.constructor !== String) return this.lower.apply(this, arguments);
return this.toLowerCase();
var _pymeth_repeat = function(count) { // nargs: 0
if (this.repeat) return this.repeat(count);
if (count < 1) return '';
var result = '', pattern = this.valueOf();
while (count > 1) {
if (count & 1) result += pattern;
count >>= 1, pattern += pattern;
return result + pattern;
var _pymeth_replace = function (s1, s2, count) { // nargs: 2 3
if (this.constructor !== String) return this.replace.apply(this, arguments);
var i = 0, i2, parts = [];
count = (count === undefined) ? 1e20 : count;
while (count > 0) {
i2 = this.indexOf(s1, i);
if (i2 >= 0) {
parts.push(this.slice(i, i2));
i = i2 + s1.length;
count -= 1;
} else break;
return parts.join('');
var _pymeth_upper = function () { // nargs: 0
if (this.constructor !== String) return this.upper.apply(this, arguments);
return this.toUpperCase();
var BitArrayBuffer, KonamiRand, base36decode, base36encode, decode_firebeat_recovery_password, encode_firebeat_recovery_password, verify_date;
BitArrayBuffer = function () {
_pyfunc_op_instantiate(this, arguments);
BitArrayBuffer.prototype._base_class = Object;
BitArrayBuffer.prototype.__name__ = "BitArrayBuffer";
BitArrayBuffer.prototype.__init__ = function (len) {
this.buffer = _pyfunc_op_mult([0], len);
return null;
BitArrayBuffer.prototype.xor = function (buffer2) {
var buffer1_len, buffer2_len, i, new_buffer, output_buffer_len;
buffer1_len = this.buffer.length;
buffer2_len = buffer2.buffer.length;
output_buffer_len = Math.min(buffer1_len, buffer2_len);
new_buffer = _pyfunc_op_mult([0], output_buffer_len);
for (i = 0; i < output_buffer_len; i += 1) {
new_buffer[i] = this.buffer[i] ^ buffer2.buffer[i];
this.buffer = new_buffer;
return null;
}; = function (offset, bits) {
var stub1_, stub1_i, stub1_i0, stub1_iter0, x;
stub1_ = [];stub1_iter0 = _pyfunc_range(0, bits, 1);if ((typeof stub1_iter0 === "object") && (!Array.isArray(stub1_iter0))) {stub1_iter0 = Object.keys(stub1_iter0);}for (stub1_i0=0; stub1_i0<stub1_iter0.length; stub1_i0++) {stub1_i = stub1_iter0[stub1_i0];if (!((!_pyfunc_op_equals(this.buffer[_pyfunc_op_add(offset, stub1_i)], 0)))) {continue;}{stub1_.push(1 << stub1_i);}}
x = stub1_;
return (_pyfunc_truthy(x))? (_pyfunc_sum(x)) : (0);
BitArrayBuffer.prototype.write = function (offset, bits, input) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < bits; i += 1) {
this.buffer[_pyfunc_op_add(offset, i)] = ((!_pyfunc_op_equals((input & (1 << i)), 0)))? (1) : (0);
return null;
KonamiRand = function () {
_pyfunc_op_instantiate(this, arguments);
KonamiRand.prototype._base_class = Object;
KonamiRand.prototype.__name__ = "KonamiRand";
KonamiRand.prototype.__init__ = function () {
this.buffer_len = 55;
this.buffer = _pyfunc_op_mult([0], (this.buffer_len + 2));
return null;
KonamiRand.prototype.get_safe_val = function (val) {
return (_pyfunc_op_add(val, (((val < 0))? (1000000000) : (0)))) & 4294967295;
KonamiRand.prototype.scramble = function () {
var _inner_scramble;
_inner_scramble = (function flx__inner_scramble (start, end, offset1, offset2) {
var i, val;
for (i = start; i < end; i += 1) {
val = this.get_safe_val(this.buffer[_pyfunc_op_add(offset1, i)] - this.buffer[_pyfunc_op_add(offset2, i)]);
this.buffer[_pyfunc_op_add(offset1, i)] = val;
return null;
_inner_scramble(1, 25, 0, 31);
_inner_scramble(25, 56, 0, -24);
return null;
KonamiRand.prototype.seed = function (input) {
var i, offset, val;
this.buffer[this.buffer.length -2] = input & 4294967295;
val = 1;
for (i = 1; i < 55; i += 1) {
offset = _pyfunc_op_mult(i, 21) % 55;
this.buffer[offset] = val;
val = this.get_safe_val(input - val);
input = this.buffer[offset];
this.buffer[this.buffer.length -1] = this.buffer_len;
return null;
}; = function () {
this.buffer[this.buffer.length -1] += 1;
if ((this.buffer[this.buffer.length -1] > this.buffer_len)) {
this.buffer[this.buffer.length -1] = 1;
return this.buffer[this.buffer[this.buffer.length -1]];
base36encode = function flx_base36encode (val, len, alphabet) {
var _, i, output, stub2_;
alphabet = (alphabet === undefined) ? "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789": alphabet;
output = "";
for (_ = 0; _ < len; _ += 1) {
stub2_ = _pyfunc_divmod(val, 36);
val = stub2_[0];i = stub2_[1];
output = _pyfunc_op_add(output, alphabet[i]);
return output;
base36decode = function flx_base36decode (val, alphabet) {
var c, i, output, stub3_seq, stub4_itr, stub5_tgt;
alphabet = (alphabet === undefined) ? "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789": alphabet;
output = 0;
stub3_seq = _pyfunc_enumerate(;
if ((typeof stub3_seq === "object") && (!Array.isArray(stub3_seq))) { stub3_seq = Object.keys(stub3_seq);}
for (stub4_itr = 0; stub4_itr < stub3_seq.length; stub4_itr += 1) {
stub5_tgt = stub3_seq[stub4_itr];
i = stub5_tgt[0]; c = stub5_tgt[1];
output = _pyfunc_op_add(output, _pyfunc_op_mult(, c), Math.pow(36, i)));
return output & 4294967295;
verify_date = function flx_verify_date (date) {
return (date < 991232) && ((((date / 100) % 100) < 13)) && (((date % 100) < 32));
decode_firebeat_recovery_password = function flx_decode_firebeat_recovery_password (input) {
var buffer_to_str, checksum, checksum_base, date_num, internal_sum, is_valid, keycode_num, krand, output_buffer, output_str, seed, serial_num, xor_buffer;
buffer_to_str = (function flx_buffer_to_str (buffer) {
var i, parts, v;
parts = [];
for (i = 0; i < 70; i += 10) {
v =, 10);, (Math.floor(v/100) % 10));, (Math.floor(v/10) % 10));, (v % 10));
v =, 7);, (Math.floor(v/10) % 10));, (v % 10));
return"", ((function list_comprehension (iter0) {var res = [];var c, i0;if ((typeof iter0 === "object") && (!Array.isArray(iter0))) {iter0 = Object.keys(iter0);}for (i0=0; i0<iter0.length; i0++) {c = iter0[i0];{res.push(_pyfunc_str(c));}}return res;}).call(this, parts)));
input =, "-", "");
krand = new KonamiRand();
output_buffer = new BitArrayBuffer(112);
output_buffer.write(0, 31, base36decode(input.slice(0,6)));
output_buffer.write(31, 31, base36decode(input.slice(6,12)));
output_buffer.write(62, 31, base36decode(input.slice(12,18)));
output_buffer.write(93, 10, base36decode(input.slice(18)));
seed =, 10);
checksum_base =, 16);
krand.seed(_pyfunc_op_mult(seed, 3) + 112);
checksum = (checksum_base ^ & 65535;
krand.seed((_pyfunc_op_add(_pyfunc_op_mult(seed, 7), _pyfunc_op_mult(checksum, 5))) + 112);
xor_buffer = new BitArrayBuffer(108);
xor_buffer.write(0, 32,;
xor_buffer.write(32, 32,;
xor_buffer.write(64, 13,;
internal_sum = (_pyfunc_sum([, 12),, 12),, 12),, 12),, 12),, 12),, 5)])) & 65535;
output_str = buffer_to_str(output_buffer);
serial_num = output_str.slice(0,9);
keycode_num = output_str.slice(9,17);
date_num = output_str.slice(17);
is_valid = _pyfunc_op_equals(checksum, internal_sum) && (serial_num.length == 9) && (keycode_num.length == 8) && (date_num.length == 6) && (_pyfunc_truthy(verify_date(_pyfunc_int(date_num))));
return ({password: input, decoded: output_str, serial: serial_num, keycode: keycode_num, date: date_num, is_valid: is_valid});
encode_firebeat_recovery_password = function flx_encode_firebeat_recovery_password (serial, keycode, date, seed, verify_password) {
var checksum, decoded_password, generate_key, internal_sum, k, krand, output_buffer, parts, parts_str, password, str_to_buffer, xor_buffer;
verify_password = (verify_password === undefined) ? false: verify_password;
generate_key = (function flx_generate_key (serial, keycode, date) {
var dnum, nnum, snum;
if (!(serial.length == 9)) { throw _pyfunc_op_error('AssertionError', "serial.length == 9");}
if (!(keycode.length == 8)) { throw _pyfunc_op_error('AssertionError', "keycode.length == 8");}
snum ="", ((function list_comprehension (iter0) {var res = [];var c, i0;if ((typeof iter0 === "object") && (!Array.isArray(iter0))) {iter0 = Object.keys(iter0);}for (i0=0; i0<iter0.length; i0++) {c = iter0[i0];{res.push("{:c}", (String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) - (((c.charCodeAt(0) >= 97))? (49) : (0))))));}}return res;}).call(this,;
nnum = keycode;
dnum ="{:06d}", ((_pyfunc_truthy(verify_date(date)))? (date) : (0)));
return"", [snum, nnum, dnum]);
str_to_buffer = (function flx_str_to_buffer (input) {
var i, output_buffer;
output_buffer = new BitArrayBuffer(112);
for (i = 0; i < Math.floor(input.length/3); i += 1) {
output_buffer.write(_pyfunc_op_mult(i, 10), 10, _pyfunc_int((input.slice(_pyfunc_op_mult(i, 3),_pyfunc_op_mult(i, 3) + 3))));
i = Math.floor(input.length/3);
output_buffer.write(70, 7, _pyfunc_int((input.slice(_pyfunc_op_mult(i, 3),_pyfunc_op_mult(i, 3) + 3))));
return output_buffer;
date = _pyfunc_int(date);
seed = _pyfunc_int(seed);
k = generate_key(serial, keycode, date);
output_buffer = str_to_buffer(k);
internal_sum = (_pyfunc_sum([, 12),, 12),, 12),, 12),, 12),, 12),, 5)])) & 65535;
krand = new KonamiRand();
krand.seed(_pyfunc_op_mult(seed, 3) + 112);
checksum = (internal_sum ^ & 65535;
output_buffer.write(77, 16, checksum);
output_buffer.write(93, 10, seed);
krand.seed((_pyfunc_op_add(_pyfunc_op_mult(seed, 7), _pyfunc_op_mult(internal_sum, 5))) + 112);
xor_buffer = new BitArrayBuffer(108);
xor_buffer.write(0, 32,;
xor_buffer.write(32, 32,;
xor_buffer.write(64, 13,;
parts = [base36encode(, 31), 6), base36encode(, 31), 6), base36encode(, 31), 6), base36encode(, 10), 2)];
parts_str ="", parts);
password ="-", ((function list_comprehension (iter0) {var res = [];var i, i0;if ((typeof iter0 === "object") && (!Array.isArray(iter0))) {iter0 = Object.keys(iter0);}for (i0=0; i0<iter0.length; i0++) {i = iter0[i0];{res.push(parts_str.slice(i,i + 5));}}return res;}).call(this, _pyfunc_range(0, parts_str.length, 5))));
if (_pyfunc_truthy(verify_password)) {
decoded_password = decode_firebeat_recovery_password(password);
if ((!_pyfunc_truthy(decoded_password["is_valid"]))) {
return "FAILED";
return password;