
536 lines
9.9 KiB

; TODO: Remap solo scores to save as doubles?
.org 0x8002b8e0
.org 0x8002b904
.org 0x8002b808
.org 0x80041744
; Custom code area
.org 0x80038ce4
li v1, 2
move v0, a0
bne a1, v1, SoloRatingNormalPath
j SoloRatingNormalRead
addi v0, 0x04
sll v0, a1, 0x2
addu v0, a0, v0
lh v0, 0x10(v0)
sll v1, a2, 0x2
j SoloRatingPatchEnd
; Up-Left
clear a0
li a2,-0x1e
li v0, UpLeftText
sw s1,0x10(sp)
sw v0,0x14(sp)
lw a1,0x0(s0)
jal draw_text
li a3,0x1000
li a2,-0x1e
li a3,0x1000
lw a0,0x120(sp)
srl a0,a0,16
andi a0,a0,0x0001
sltu a0,zero,a0
li v0,0x80012d2c
sll a1,a0,4
add v0, a1
lw a1,0x0(s0)
sw s1,0x10(sp)
sw v0,0x14(sp)
sll a0,a0,0x1
addiu a1,a1,0x48
jal draw_text
; Up-Right
clear a0
li a2,-0x16
li v0, UpRightText
sw s1,0x10(sp)
sw v0,0x14(sp)
lw a1,0x0(s0)
jal draw_text
li a3,0x1000
li a2,-0x16
li a3,0x1000
lw a0,0x120(sp)
srl a0,a0,16
andi a0,a0,0x0002
sltu a0,zero,a0
li v0,0x80012d2c
sll a1,a0,4
add v0, a1
lw a1,0x0(s0)
sw s1,0x10(sp)
sw v0,0x14(sp)
sltu a0,zero,a0
sll a0,a0,0x1
jal draw_text
addiu a1,a1,0x48
jal 0x80029728
j InputTestMenuEnd
.asciiz "UP-LEFT"
.asciiz "UP-RIGHT"
; End custom code area
.org 0x8001c174
; Always return 1 to enable solo machine mode
li v0, 1
.org 0x800909ec
; Allow for selecting 6 panel mode on style select screen
.org 0x8009b400
j SoloRatingPatch
.org 0x8002b898
; Disable 2nd player start button during style select screen
jr ra
clear v0
; Use small stage number at top during gameplay
.org 0x800571b0
b 0x800571cc
; Reposition arrows to be centered and evenly spaced around smaller stage number
.org 0x80014110
.dh 0xffac - 7
.dh 0xffe1 - 2
.dh 0xffff
.dh 0x0034 + 5
.dh 0xffc7 - 5
.dh 0xff5f
.dh 0x0019 + 3
.dh 0xff5f
.org 0x80014120
.dh 0xffc2 - 3
.dh 0xffe1 - 2
.dh 0xffff
.dh 0x001e + 1
; Change graphics for 4 panel and 6 panel mode on style select screen
.org 0x80016144
; 4 Panel/Single
.dh 0x0001 ; 4 Panel/Single flag
.dh 0x002c + 0x63 ; Layer absolute x
.dh 0x00fb ; Layer absolute y
.dh 0x001c ; Character relative x
.dh 0x0033 ; Character relative y
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.db 0x04 ; Stages bubble design + tail direction
.db 0x78 ; More bubble relative y??
.dh 0xffbe ; Bubble relative x
.dh 0x000e ; Bubble relative y
; 6 Panel
.dh 0x000a ; 6 Panel
.dh 0x00cd + 0x63
.dh 0x00c0
.dh 0x001c
.dh 0x0051
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.db 0x03
.db 0x5a
.dh 0x0056
.dh 0x0008
; Disable last entry
.dh 0 ; Disabled
.dh 0xff00 ; Send off to outer space
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.db 0
.db 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
; Fix solo mode graphic going dim
.org 0x800900dc
; Don't show "insert more coins to select other modes" message
.org 0x8008e9e0
; Don't show secondary description text
.org 0x8008e994
j 0x8008ea04
; Force 6 panel description when 4 panel isn't selected
.org 0x8008e944
li v1, 0x0a
.org 0x8008e96c
li t1, 0x02
; Load "DOUBLE" text instead of "SINGLE" for 6 panel mode
.org 0x8008e76c
li v1, 0x0a
; Center bottom text on style select screen
.org 0x80084398
addiu s0, s0, -0xa0
; Disable right player side text during free play mode
.org 0x80084438
; Make the character select screen show all 14 characters instead of 7 for 1P
.org 0x80091ed4
li v0, 0x0e
; Don't show "NOT ATTEND" image on 2P side
.org 0x80091564
b 0x80091dc0
; Change character update region width
; 2P characters leave the white glow when moving the cursor on the background because
; that region isn't being updated
.org 0x80092268
li s7, 0x240
.org 0x80092398
li s8, 0x240
; Don't draw 2P side character name
.org 0x80090ed8
addiu a2, v0, 0xcb
li t1, 0
; Disable static image when character not selected
.org 0x800910c8
li s8, 0x180
; Remove black border triangles from character image area for 2P side
.org 0x80090fcc
li s8, 0x180
; Use 2P select icon instead of 1P icon at top of screen (required for image edits)
.org 0x80083d04
li v0, 0x0a
.org 0x80083d10
addiu v1, v1, 3
; Fix I/O test menu exit key combo
.org 0x8003c314
jal is_1p_panel_left_pressed
.org 0x8003c324
jal is_1p_panel_right_pressed
clear a0
.org 0x80012db8
.asciiz " HOLD 1P LEFT +"
.org 0x80012dd0
.asciiz "PRESS 1P RIGHT = EXIT"
; Fix start button during free player
.org 0x8001f984
jal is_1p_start_pressed
.org 0x8001f994
jal is_1p_start_pressed
; I/O Test Menu
.org 0x8003bf08
j InputTestMenu
; Fix centering of text
.org 0x8003bad4
li v0, -0x60
.org 0x8003badc
li v0, 0x30
.org 0x8003c00c
; Don't display 2P side buttons
.org 0x8003bf14
; Select L Text
li a2, 0xfffffff2
.org 0x8003bf34
; Select L ON/OFF
li a2, 0xfffffff2
.org 0x8003bf64
; Select R Text
li a2, 0xfffffffa
.org 0x8003bf84
; Select R ON/OFF
li a2, 0xfffffffa
.org 0x8003bfbc
; Start Text
li a2, 0x02
.org 0x8003bfdc
; Start ON/OFF
li a2, 0x02
.org 0x8003c140
; Service Switch Text
li a2, 0x12
.org 0x8003c164
; Service Switch ON/OFF
li a2, 0x12
.org 0x8003c194
; Coin Mech Text
li a2, 0x1a
.org 0x8003c1b4
; Coin Mech ON/OFF
li a2, 0x1a
.org 0x8003c1f4
; Coin Mech Text
li a2, 0x2a
.org 0x8003c244
; Coin Mech ON/OFF
li a2, 0x2a
.org 0x80012d30
; Don't display ULDR next to ON/OFF for IO test since Solo has no IO board.
.asciiz "%s"
; Lights Test Menu
; Fixes unable to select individual lights for test.
.org 0x80039f44
jal is_1p_start_pressed
; Mapping from which test light entry to which actual light to activate.
.org 0x80012acc
; Body left/center/right lights.
.dw 12
.dw 9
.dw 8
; Pad extra1/extra2/extra3/extra4 lights.
.dw 6
.dw 7
.dw 4
.dw 5
; Start button light.
.dw 14
; Speaker light.
.dw 16
; Labels for the lights test options.
.org 0x80012b08
.asciiz "BODY LEFT"
.org 0x80012b14
.asciiz "BODY CENTER"
.org 0x80012b24
.asciiz "BODY RIGHT"
.org 0x80012b34
.asciiz "EXTRA1"
.org 0x80012b44
.asciiz "EXTRA2"
.org 0x80012b50
.asciiz "EXTRA3"
.org 0x80012b60
.asciiz "EXTRA4"
.org 0x80012b70
.asciiz "START"
.org 0x80012b80
.asciiz "SPEAKER"
; Skip displaying labels for lamps we don't have.
.org 0x8003a19c
.org 0x8003a1c0
.org 0x8003a1e4
.org 0x8003a208
.org 0x8003a22c
.org 0x8003a250
; Reposition "ALL" and "EXIT" according to the new layout.
.org 0x8003a25c
li a2, 0x0
.org 0x8003a280
li a2, 0x10
; Reference the correct cursor value for "ALL" and "EXIT".
.org 0x8003a270
lw a0, 0x3c(sp)
.org 0x8003a294
lw a0, 0x40(sp)
; Check for the correct cursor value to display green "current light" indicator
; if we are doing the "ALL" check.
.org 0x8003a010
li v0, 0x9
; Wrap cursor around from top to bottom correctly.
.org 0x80039e14
li v0, 0xA
; Wrap cursor around from bottom to top correctly.
.org 0x80039e44
slti v0, v0, 0xB
; Run all test when "ALL" is selected.
.org 0x80039e78
li v0, 0x9
.org 0x80039f60
li v0, 0x9
; Exit when "EXIT" is selected.
.org 0x80039f04
li v0, 0xA
.org 0x80039f50
li v0, 0xA
; Initialize the all test frame counter to account for us only having 9 lights
; instead of 15, accounting for 60 frames per light being lit.
.org 0x80039f6c
li v0, 0x21C
.org 0x80039ea4
li v0, 0x21B
.org 0x80039ebc
li a1, 0x8
; Lights mappings
; Map body right lower to body left, right higher and left lower to body center, and left higher to body right.
.org 0x8001666c
.dw 0x00000002
.dw 0x00000200
.org 0x80016664
.dw 0x00000002
.dw 0x00000400
; Map start 1p to correct solo start lights.
.org 0x8001667c
.dw 0x00000002
.dw 0x00000100
; Fix "speaker" light output to point at solo speaker neons.
.org 0x8001668c
.dw 0x00000002
.dw 0x00001000
; Lights activation functions for panel steppy
; Turn on all body lights when requested to isntead of 1P/2P side only.
.org 0x8009a304
beq v0, zero, 0x8009a30c
.org 0x8009a328
bne s0, v0, 0x8009a330
; Turn on extra2 (left back) when left is pressed.
.org 0x8009a0c8
li a0, 0x7
; Turn on extra4 (right back) when right is pressed.
.org 0x8009a078
li a0, 0x5
.org 0x8009a094
li a0, 0x5
; Turn on extra1 (left front) when up-left is pressed.
.org 0x8009a19c
li a0, 0x6
.org 0x8009a1b8
li a0, 0x6
.org 0x8009a1d0
li a0, 0x6
.org 0x8009a1ec
li a0, 0x6
; Turn on extra3 (right front) when up-right is pressed.
.org 0x8009a118
li a0, 0x4
.org 0x8009a134
li a0, 0x4
.org 0x8009a14c
li a0, 0x4
.org 0x8009a168
li a0, 0x4
; Turn on extra1 and 3 (both forward lights) when up is pressed.
.org 0x8009a028
li a0, 0x6
.org 0x8009a044
li a0, 0x4
.org 0x8009a01c
beq v0, zero, 0x8009a024
.org 0x8009a038
bne s0, v0, 0x8009a040
; Turn on extra2 and 4 (both back lights) when down is pressed.
.org 0x80099fd8
li a0, 0x7
.org 0x80099ff4
li a0, 0x5
.org 0x80099fcc
beq v0, zero, 0x80099fd4
.org 0x80099fe8
bne s0, v0, 0x80099ff0