
354 lines
6.3 KiB

; TODO: Remap solo scores to save as doubles?
; Custom code area
.org 0x80038ce4
li v1, 2
move v0, a0
bne a1, v1, SoloRatingNormalPath
j SoloRatingNormalRead
addi v0, 0x04
sll v0, a1, 0x2
addu v0, a0, v0
lh v0, 0x10(v0)
sll v1, a2, 0x2
j SoloRatingPatchEnd
; Up-Left
clear a0
li a2,-0x1e
li v0, UpLeftText
sw s1,0x10(sp)
sw v0,0x14(sp)
lw a1,0x0(s0)
jal draw_text
li a3,0x1000
li a2,-0x1e
li a3,0x1000
lw a0,0x120(sp)
srl a0,a0,16
andi a0,a0,0x0001
sltu a0,zero,a0
li v0,0x80012d2c
sll a1,a0,4
add v0, a1
lw a1,0x0(s0)
sw s1,0x10(sp)
sw v0,0x14(sp)
sll a0,a0,0x1
addiu a1,a1,0x48
jal draw_text
; Up-Right
clear a0
li a2,-0x16
li v0, UpRightText
sw s1,0x10(sp)
sw v0,0x14(sp)
lw a1,0x0(s0)
jal draw_text
li a3,0x1000
li a2,-0x16
li a3,0x1000
lw a0,0x120(sp)
srl a0,a0,16
andi a0,a0,0x0002
sltu a0,zero,a0
li v0,0x80012d2c
sll a1,a0,4
add v0, a1
lw a1,0x0(s0)
sw s1,0x10(sp)
sw v0,0x14(sp)
sltu a0,zero,a0
sll a0,a0,0x1
jal draw_text
addiu a1,a1,0x48
jal 0x80029728
j InputTestMenuEnd
.asciiz "UP-LEFT"
.asciiz "UP-RIGHT"
; End custom code area
.org 0x8001c174
; Always return 1 to enable solo machine mode
li v0, 1
.org 0x800909ec
; Allow for selecting 6 panel mode on style select screen
.org 0x8009b400
j SoloRatingPatch
.org 0x8002b898
; Disable 2nd player start button during style select screen
jr ra
clear v0
; Use small stage number at top during gameplay
.org 0x800571b0
b 0x800571cc
; Reposition arrows to be centered and evenly spaced around smaller stage number
.org 0x80014110
.dh 0xffac - 7
.dh 0xffe1 - 2
.dh 0xffff
.dh 0x0034 + 5
.dh 0xffc7 - 5
.dh 0xff5f
.dh 0x0019 + 3
.dh 0xff5f
.org 0x80014120
.dh 0xffc2 - 3
.dh 0xffe1 - 2
.dh 0xffff
.dh 0x001e + 1
; Change graphics for 4 panel and 6 panel mode on style select screen
.org 0x80016144
; 4 Panel/Single
.dh 0x0001 ; 4 Panel/Single flag
.dh 0x002c + 0x63 ; Layer absolute x
.dh 0x00fb ; Layer absolute y
.dh 0x001c ; Character relative x
.dh 0x0033 ; Character relative y
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.db 0x04 ; Stages bubble design + tail direction
.db 0x78 ; More bubble relative y??
.dh 0xffbe ; Bubble relative x
.dh 0x000e ; Bubble relative y
; 6 Panel
.dh 0x000a ; 6 Panel
.dh 0x00cd + 0x63
.dh 0x00c0
.dh 0x001c
.dh 0x0051
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.db 0x03
.db 0x5a
.dh 0x0056
.dh 0x0008
; Disable last entry
.dh 0 ; Disabled
.dh 0xff00 ; Send off to outer space
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
.db 0
.db 0
.dh 0
.dh 0
; Fix solo mode graphic going dim
.org 0x800900dc
; Don't show "insert more coins to select other modes" message
.org 0x8008e9e0
; Don't show secondary description text
.org 0x8008e994
j 0x8008ea04
; Force 6 panel description when 4 panel isn't selected
.org 0x8008e944
li v1, 0x0a
.org 0x8008e96c
li t1, 0x02
; Load "DOUBLE" text instead of "SINGLE" for 6 panel mode
.org 0x8008e76c
li v1, 0x0a
; Center bottom text on style select screen
.org 0x80084398
addiu s0, s0, -0xa0
; Disable right player side text during free play mode
.org 0x80084438
; Make the character select screen show all 14 characters instead of 7 for 1P
.org 0x80091ed4
li v0, 0x0e
; Don't show "NOT ATTEND" image on 2P side
.org 0x80091564
b 0x80091dc0
; Change character update region width
; 2P characters leave the white glow when moving the cursor on the background because
; that region isn't being updated
.org 0x80092268
li s7, 0x240
.org 0x80092398
li s8, 0x240
; Don't draw 2P side character name
.org 0x80090ed8
addiu a2, v0, 0xcb
li t1, 0
; Disable static image when character not selected
.org 0x800910c8
li s8, 0x180
; Remove black border triangles from character image area for 2P side
.org 0x80090fcc
li s8, 0x180
; Use 2P select icon instead of 1P icon at top of screen (required for image edits)
.org 0x80083d04
li v0, 0x0a
.org 0x80083d10
addiu v1, v1, 3
; Fix I/O test menu exit key combo
.org 0x8003c314
jal is_1p_panel_left_pressed
.org 0x8003c324
jal is_1p_panel_right_pressed
clear a0
.org 0x80012db8
.asciiz " HOLD 1P LEFT +"
.org 0x80012dd0
.asciiz "PRESS 1P RIGHT = EXIT"
; Fix start button during free player
.org 0x8001f984
jal is_1p_start_pressed
.org 0x8001f994
jal is_1p_start_pressed
; I/O Test Menu
.org 0x8003bf08
j InputTestMenu
; Fix centering of text
.org 0x8003bad4
li v0, -0x60
.org 0x8003badc
li v0, 0x30
.org 0x8003c00c
; Don't display 2P side buttons
.org 0x8003bf14
; Select L Text
li a2, 0xfffffff2
.org 0x8003bf34
; Select L ON/OFF
li a2, 0xfffffff2
.org 0x8003bf64
; Select R Text
li a2, 0xfffffffa
.org 0x8003bf84
; Select R ON/OFF
li a2, 0xfffffffa
.org 0x8003bfbc
; Start Text
li a2, 0x02
.org 0x8003bfdc
; Start ON/OFF
li a2, 0x02
.org 0x8003c140
; Service Switch Text
li a2, 0x12
.org 0x8003c164
; Service Switch ON/OFF
li a2, 0x12
.org 0x8003c194
; Coin Mech Text
li a2, 0x1a
.org 0x8003c1b4
; Coin Mech ON/OFF
li a2, 0x1a
.org 0x8003c1f4
; Coin Mech Text
li a2, 0x2a
.org 0x8003c244
; Coin Mech ON/OFF
li a2, 0x2a
.org 0x80012d30
; Don't display ULDR next to ON/OFF for IO test since Solo has no IO board.
.asciiz "%s"
; Lights Test Menu
; Fixes unable to select individual lights for test. The original "is held" function
; is nop'd out above, so we must give a negative index to this function to turn it
; into a held function.
.org 0x80039f44
jal is_1p_start_pressed
li a0, -0x4