
473 lines
18 KiB

import shutil
from typing import BinaryIO, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, overload
class FileBytes:
IO_SIZE: int = 0x8000
def __init__(self, handle: BinaryIO) -> None:
self.__handle: BinaryIO = handle
self.__patches: Dict[int, int] = {}
self.__copies: List["FileBytes"] = []
self.__unsafe: bool = False
self.__lowest_patch: Optional[int] = None
self.__highest_patch: Optional[int] = None, 2)
self.__filelength: int = handle.tell()
self.__origfilelength: int = self.__filelength
self.__patchlength: int = self.__filelength
def handle(self) -> BinaryIO:
return self.__handle
def search(self, search: Union[bytes, "FileBytes"], *, start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]:
# Search the file for search bytes in a faster manner than reloading the
# file byte for byte for every position to search.
searchlen = len(search)
if searchlen > self.__patchlength:
# There's no way that the search bytes could be in this file.
return None
if isinstance(search, FileBytes):
search = search[:]
if start is None:
searchstart = 0
searchstart = start
if searchstart < 0 or searchstart > (self.__patchlength - (searchlen - 1)):
# Never going to find it anyway.
return None
if end is None:
searchend = self.__patchlength
searchend = end
searchend -= (searchlen - 1)
if searchend <= searchstart:
# Never going to find it anyway.
return None
chunksize = max(searchlen * 2, self.IO_SIZE)
startoffset = searchstart
data: bytes = self[searchstart:(searchstart + (chunksize * 3))]
endoffset = searchstart + len(data)
def addchunk() -> bool:
nonlocal chunksize
nonlocal startoffset
nonlocal endoffset
nonlocal data
# Load the next chunk of data, including changes.
newdata = self[endoffset:(endoffset + chunksize)]
if not newdata:
return False
# Stick the data on the end of the cache.
data = data + newdata
# Update the end offset pointer so we know were to load from next time.
endoffset += len(newdata)
# If we got too long, then truncate ourselves so we don't blow up
# our memory searching the file.
if len(data) >= (3 * chunksize):
data = data[chunksize:]
startoffset += chunksize
return True
for offset in range(searchstart, searchend):
start = offset
end = offset + searchlen
if end > endoffset:
if not addchunk():
# No more chunks left to search, and we hit the end of the
# current chunk, so we have no more data to find.
return None
actualstart = start - startoffset
actualend = end - startoffset
# If this chunk looks like a match, then return the start index.
if data[actualstart:actualend] == search:
return start
# Could not find the data.
return None
def __len__(self) -> int:
if self.__unsafe:
raise Exception("Another FileBytes instance representing the same file was written back!")
return self.__patchlength
def __add__(self, other: object) -> "FileBytes":
if self.__unsafe:
raise Exception("Another FileBytes instance representing the same file was written back!")
if isinstance(other, FileBytes):
clone = self.clone()
elif isinstance(other, bytes):
clone = self.clone()
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")
return clone
def clone(self) -> "FileBytes":
# Make a safe copy so that in-memory patches can be changed.
myclone = FileBytes(self.__handle)
myclone.__patches = {k: v for k, v in self.__patches.items()}
myclone.__lowest_patch = self.__lowest_patch
myclone.__highest_patch = self.__highest_patch
myclone.__filelength = self.__filelength
myclone.__patchlength = self.__patchlength
myclone.__origfilelength = self.__origfilelength
# Make sure we can invalidate copies if we write back the data.
return myclone
def append(self, data: Union[bytes, "FileBytes"]) -> None:
if self.__unsafe:
raise Exception("Another FileBytes instance representing the same file was written back!")
# Add data to the end of our representation.
for off, change in enumerate(data[:]):
loc = self.__patchlength + off
self.__patches[loc] = change
self.__lowest_patch = min(self.__lowest_patch, loc) if self.__lowest_patch is not None else loc
self.__highest_patch = max(self.__highest_patch, loc + 1) if self.__highest_patch is not None else (loc + 1)
self.__patchlength += len(data)
def truncate(self, size: int) -> None:
if self.__unsafe:
raise Exception("Another FileBytes instance representing the same file was written back!")
# Truncate the resulting data
if size < 0:
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")
if size >= self.__patchlength:
# We are already this short?
# Set the file length to this size so we don't read anything past it.
if size < self.__filelength:
self.__filelength = size
# Get rid of any changes made in the truncation range.
for off in range(size, self.__patchlength):
if off in self.__patches:
del self.__patches[off]
# Set the length of this object to the size as well so resizing will
# zero out the data.
self.__patchlength = size
def __gather(self, already: Set["FileBytes"], need: "FileBytes") -> None:
for inst in need.__copies:
if inst not in already:
self.__gather(already, inst)
def __write_changes(self, handle: BinaryIO) -> None:
locations = sorted(self.__patches.keys())
keys: Set[int] = set(locations)
handled: Set[int] = set()
for location in locations:
if location in handled:
# Already wrote this in a chunk.
# Figure out the maximum range for this chunk.
start = location
end = location + 1
while end in keys:
end += 1
# Sum it up
data = bytes(self.__patches[loc] for loc in range(start, end))
# Write it
# Mark it complete
handled.update(range(start, end))
if keys != handled:
raise Exception("Logic error, failed to write some data!")
def write_changes(self, new_file: Optional[BinaryIO] = None) -> None:
if self.__unsafe:
raise Exception("Another FileBytes instance representing the same file was written back!")
if new_file is not None:
# We want to serialize this out to a new file altogether.
shutil.copyfileobj(self.__handle, new_file)
# Now, truncate the new file to the right length.
if self.__filelength < self.__origfilelength:
# Now, gather up any changes to the file and write them back.
# First off, see if we need to truncate the file.
if self.__filelength < self.__origfilelength:
self.__origfilelength = self.__filelength
if self.__filelength > self.__origfilelength:
raise Exception("Logic error, somehow resized file bigger than it started?")
# Now, gather up any changes to the file and write them back.
# Now that we've serialized out the data, clean up our own representation.
self.__lowest_patch = None
self.__highest_patch = None
self.__filelength = self.__patchlength
# Finally, find all other clones of this class and notify them that they're
# unsafe, so that there isn't any surprise behavior if somebody clones a
# FileBytes and then writes back to the underlying file on that clone. This
# is because the only thing we have in memory is the patches we've made, so
# if the underlying file is changed suddenly its all wrong.
notify: Set[FileBytes] = {self}
self.__gather(notify, self)
for inst in notify:
if inst is self:
# Mark this clone as unsafe for read/write operations.
inst.__unsafe = True
# Set up the clone so that if it is cloned itself, the clone will
# work since it can read directly from the updated file.
inst.__filelength = self.__filelength
inst.__patchlength = self.__patchlength
inst.__origfilelength = self.__origfilelength
self.__lowest_patch = None
self.__highest_patch = None
def __slice(self, key: slice) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
# Determine step of slice
if key.step is None:
step = 1
step = key.step
# Determine start of slice
if key.start is None:
start = 0 if step > 0 else self.__patchlength
elif key.start < 0:
start = self.__patchlength + key.start
start = key.start
# Determine end of slice
if key.stop is None:
stop = self.__patchlength if step > 0 else -1
elif key.stop < 0:
stop = self.__patchlength + key.stop
stop = key.stop
if start < 0:
raise Exception("Logic error!")
if start >= self.__patchlength:
start = self.__patchlength
if stop >= self.__patchlength:
stop = self.__patchlength
return (start, stop, step)
def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> int:
def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> bytes:
def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[int, bytes]:
if self.__unsafe:
raise Exception("Another FileBytes instance representing the same file was written back!")
if isinstance(key, int):
# Support negative indexing.
if key < 0:
key = self.__patchlength + key
if key >= self.__patchlength:
raise IndexError("FileBytes index out of range")
# Look up in our modifications, and then fall back to the file.
if key in self.__patches:
return self.__patches[key]
if key >= self.__filelength:
raise Exception("Logic error, should never fall through to loading file bytes in area enlarged by patches!")
elif isinstance(key, slice):
# Grab our iterators.
start, stop, step = self.__slice(key)
if start == stop:
return b""
if start > stop and step > 0:
return b""
if start < stop and step < 0:
return b""
# Do we have any modifications to the file in this area?
if start >= self.__filelength and stop >= self.__filelength:
modifications = True
elif self.__lowest_patch is None or (start < self.__lowest_patch and stop < self.__lowest_patch):
modifications = False
elif self.__highest_patch is None or (start > self.__highest_patch and stop > self.__highest_patch):
modifications = False
modifications = any(index in self.__patches for index in range(start, stop, step))
# Now see if we can do any fast loading
if start < stop and step == 1:
if not modifications:
# This is just a contiguous read
return - start)
if start < self.__filelength:
# We need to modify at least one of the bytes in this read.
data = [x for x in - start)]
# Append any amount of data we need to read past the end of the file.
if len(data) < stop - start:
data.extend([0] * (stop - len(data)))
data = [0] * (stop - start)
# Now we have to modify the data with our own overlay.
for off in range(start, stop):
if off in self.__patches:
data[off - start] = self.__patches[off]
return bytes(data)
elif start > stop and step == -1:
if not modifications:
# This is just a continguous read, reversed + 1)
return - stop)[::-1]
if (stop + 1) < self.__filelength: + 1)
data = [x for x in - stop)]
# Append any amount of data we need to read past the end of the file.
if len(data) < start - stop:
data.extend([0] * (start - len(data)))
data = [0] * (start - stop)
# Now we have to modify the data with our own overlay.
for index, off in enumerate(range(stop + 1, start + 1)):
if off in self.__patches:
data[index] = self.__patches[off]
return bytes(data[::-1])
# Gotta load the slow way
resp: List[bytes] = []
for off in range(start, stop, step):
if off in self.__patches:
if off >= self.__filelength:
raise Exception("Logic error, should never fall through to loading file bytes in area enlarged by patches!")
return b"".join(resp)
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")
def __setitem__(self, key: int, val: int) -> None:
def __setitem__(self, key: slice, val: bytes) -> None:
def __setitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice], val: Union[int, bytes]) -> None:
if self.__unsafe:
raise Exception("Another FileBytes instance representing the same file was written back!")
if isinstance(key, int):
if not isinstance(val, int):
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")
# Support negative indexing.
if key < 0:
key = self.__patchlength + key
if key >= self.__patchlength:
raise IndexError("FileBytes index out of range")
self.__patches[key] = val
self.__lowest_patch = min(self.__lowest_patch, key) if self.__lowest_patch is not None else key
self.__highest_patch = max(self.__highest_patch, key + 1) if self.__highest_patch is not None else (key + 1)
elif isinstance(key, slice):
if not isinstance(val, bytes):
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")
# Grab our iterators.
start, stop, step = self.__slice(key)
vallen = len(val)
if start == stop:
if vallen != 0:
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot resize FileBuffer!")
if start > stop and step > 0:
if vallen != 0:
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot resize FileBuffer!")
if start < stop and step < 0:
if vallen != 0:
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot resize FileBuffer!")
# Now, verify the patches are the right length. Make sure that if
# somebody catches NotImplementedError that we don't partially
# modify ourselves.
for index, _off in enumerate(range(start, stop, step)):
if index >= vallen:
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot resize FileBuffer!")
if index != (vallen - 1):
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot resize FileBuffer!")
# Finally, perform the modification.
for index, off in enumerate(range(start, stop, step)):
self.__patches[off] = val[index]
self.__lowest_patch = min(self.__lowest_patch, off) if self.__lowest_patch is not None else off
self.__highest_patch = max(self.__highest_patch, off + 1) if self.__highest_patch is not None else (off + 1)
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")