
366 lines
12 KiB

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast, overload
from typing_extensions import Final
from .filebytes import FileBytes
class BinaryDiffException(Exception):
class BinaryDiff:
CHUNK_SIZE: Final[int] = 1024
def _hex(val: int) -> str:
out = hex(val)[2:]
out = out.upper()
if len(out) == 1:
out = "0" + out
return out
def diff(bin1: Union[bytes, FileBytes], bin2: Union[bytes, FileBytes]) -> List[str]:
binlength = len(bin1)
if binlength != len(bin2):
raise BinaryDiffException("Cannot diff different-sized binary blobs!")
# First, get the list of differences
differences: List[Tuple[int, bytes, bytes]] = []
# Chunk the differences, assuming files are usually about the same,
# for a massive speed boost.
for offset in range(0, binlength, BinaryDiff.CHUNK_SIZE):
length = min(BinaryDiff.CHUNK_SIZE, binlength - offset)
if bin1[offset:(offset + length)] != bin2[offset:(offset + length)]:
for i in range(length):
byte1 = bin1[offset + i]
byte2 = bin2[offset + i]
if byte1 != byte2:
differences.append((offset + i, bytes([byte1]), bytes([byte2])))
# Don't bother with any combination crap if we have nothing to do
if not differences:
return []
# Now, combine them for easier printing
cur_block: Tuple[int, bytes, bytes] = differences[0]
ret: List[str] = []
# Now, include the original byte size for later comparison/checks
ret.append(f"# File size: {len(bin1)}")
def _hexrun(val: bytes) -> str:
return " ".join(BinaryDiff._hex(v) for v in val)
def _output(val: Tuple[int, bytes, bytes]) -> None:
start = val[0] - len(val[1]) + 1
f"{BinaryDiff._hex(start)}: {_hexrun(val[1])} -> {_hexrun(val[2])}"
def _combine(val: Tuple[int, bytes, bytes]) -> None:
nonlocal cur_block
if cur_block[0] + 1 == val[0]:
# This is a continuation of a run
cur_block = (
cur_block[1] + val[1],
cur_block[2] + val[2],
# This is a new run
cur_block = val
# Combine and output runs of differences
for diff in differences[1:]:
# Make sure we output the last difference
# Return our summation
return ret
def size(patchlines: List[str]) -> Optional[int]:
for patch in patchlines:
if patch.startswith('#'):
# This is a comment, ignore it, unless its a file-size comment
patch = patch[1:].strip().lower()
if patch.startswith('file size:'):
return int(patch[10:].strip())
except ValueError:
return None
return None
def _convert(val: str) -> Optional[int]:
val = val.strip()
if val == '*':
return None
return int(val, 16)
def _gather_differences(patchlines: List[str], reverse: bool) -> List[Tuple[int, Optional[bytes], bytes]]:
# First, separate out into a list of offsets and old/new bytes
differences: List[Tuple[int, Optional[bytes], bytes]] = []
for patch in patchlines:
if patch.startswith('#'):
# This is a comment, ignore it.
start_offset, patch_contents = patch.split(':', 1)
before, after = patch_contents.split('->')
beforevals = [
BinaryDiff._convert(x) for x in before.split(" ") if x.strip()
aftervals = [
BinaryDiff._convert(x) for x in after.split(" ") if x.strip()
if len(beforevals) != len(aftervals):
raise BinaryDiffException(
f"Patch before and after length mismatch at "
f"offset {start_offset}!"
if len(beforevals) == 0:
raise BinaryDiffException(
f"Must have at least one byte to change at "
f"offset {start_offset}!"
offset = int(start_offset.strip(), 16)
for i in range(len(beforevals)):
if aftervals[i] is None:
raise BinaryDiffException(
f"Cannot convert a location to a wildcard "
f"at offset {start_offset}"
if beforevals[i] is None and reverse:
raise BinaryDiffException(
f"Patch offset {start_offset} specifies a wildcard and cannot "
f"be reversed!"
offset + i,
bytes([beforevals[i] or 0]) if beforevals[i] is not None else None,
bytes([aftervals[i] or 0]),
# Now, if we're doing the reverse, just switch them
if reverse:
# We cast here because mypy can't see that we have already asserted that x[2] will never
# be optional in the above loop if reverse is set to True.
differences = [cast(Tuple[int, Optional[bytes], bytes], (x[0], x[2], x[1])) for x in differences]
# Finally, return it
return differences
def patch(
binary: bytes,
patchlines: List[str],
reverse: bool = False,
ignore_size_differences: bool = False,
) -> bytes:
def patch(
binary: FileBytes,
patchlines: List[str],
reverse: bool = False,
ignore_size_differences: bool = False,
) -> FileBytes:
def patch(
binary: Union[bytes, FileBytes],
patchlines: List[str],
reverse: bool = False,
ignore_size_differences: bool = False,
) -> Union[bytes, FileBytes]:
# If we were given filebytes, get a clone of it so we don't modify the input.
if isinstance(binary, FileBytes):
binary = binary.clone()
# First, grab the differences
if not ignore_size_differences:
file_size = BinaryDiff.size(patchlines)
if file_size is not None and file_size != len(binary):
raise BinaryDiffException(
f"Patch is for binary of size {file_size} but binary is {len(binary)} "
f"bytes long!"
differences: List[Tuple[int, Optional[bytes], bytes]] = sorted(
BinaryDiff._gather_differences(patchlines, reverse),
key=lambda diff: diff[0],
chunks: List[bytes] = []
last_patch_end: int = 0
# Now, apply the changes to the binary data
for diff in differences:
offset, old, new = diff
if len(binary) < offset:
raise BinaryDiffException(
f"Patch offset {BinaryDiff._hex(offset)} is beyond the end of "
f"the binary!"
if old is not None and binary[offset:(offset + 1)] != old:
raise BinaryDiffException(
f"Patch offset {BinaryDiff._hex(offset)} expecting {BinaryDiff._hex(old[0])} "
f"but found {BinaryDiff._hex(binary[offset])}!"
if isinstance(binary, bytes):
if last_patch_end < offset:
last_patch_end = offset + 1
elif isinstance(binary, FileBytes):
binary[offset:(offset + len(new))] = new
# This should never happen?
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")
if isinstance(binary, bytes):
# Return the new data!
return b"".join(chunks)
elif isinstance(binary, FileBytes):
# We modified the filebytes object in place.
return binary
# This should never happen?
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")
def can_patch(
binary: Union[bytes, FileBytes],
patchlines: List[str],
reverse: bool = False,
ignore_size_differences: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
# First, grab the differences
if not ignore_size_differences:
file_size = BinaryDiff.size(patchlines)
if file_size is not None and file_size != len(binary):
return (
f"Patch is for binary of size {file_size} but binary is {len(binary)} "
f"bytes long!"
differences: List[Tuple[int, Optional[bytes], bytes]] = BinaryDiff._gather_differences(patchlines, reverse)
except BinaryDiffException as e:
return (False, str(e))
# Now, verify the changes to the binary data
for diff in differences:
offset, old, _ = diff
if len(binary) < offset:
return (
f"Patch offset {BinaryDiff._hex(offset)} is beyond the end of "
f"the binary!"
if old is not None and binary[offset:(offset + 1)] != old:
return (
f"Patch offset {BinaryDiff._hex(offset)} expecting {BinaryDiff._hex(old[0])} "
f"but found {BinaryDiff._hex(binary[offset])}!"
# Didn't find any problems
return (True, "")
def description(patchlines: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:
for patch in patchlines:
if patch.startswith('#'):
# This is a comment, ignore it, unless its a description comment
patch = patch[1:].strip().lower()
if patch.startswith('description:'):
return patch[12:].strip()
return None
def needed_amount(patchlines: List[str]) -> int:
# First, grab the differences.
differences: List[Tuple[int, Optional[bytes], bytes]] = BinaryDiff._gather_differences(patchlines, False)
# Now, get the maximum byte we need to apply this patch.
return max([offset for offset, _, _ in differences]) + 1 if differences else 0
class ByteUtil:
def byteswap(data: bytes) -> bytes:
even = [d for d in data[::2]]
odd = [d for d in data[1::2]]
chunks = [bytes([odd[i], even[i]]) for i in range(len(even))]
return b''.join(chunks)
def wordswap(data: bytes) -> bytes:
one = [d for d in data[::4]]
two = [d for d in data[1::4]]
three = [d for d in data[2::4]]
four = [d for d in data[3::4]]
chunks = [
bytes([four[i], three[i], two[i], one[i]])
for i in range(len(one))
return b''.join(chunks)
def combine16bithalves(upper: bytes, lower: bytes) -> bytes:
chunks = [
b''.join([upper[i:(i + 2)], lower[i:(i + 2)]])
for i in range(0, len(upper), 2)
return b''.join(chunks)
def split16bithalves(data: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
length = len(data)
b''.join(data[x:(x + 2)] for x in range(0, length, 4)),
b''.join(data[(x + 2):(x + 4)] for x in range(0, length, 4)),
def combine8bithalves(upper: bytes, lower: bytes) -> bytes:
chunks = [bytes([upper[i], lower[i]]) for i in range(len(upper))]
return b''.join(chunks)
def split8bithalves(data: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
return (
bytes([d for d in data[::2]]),
bytes([d for d in data[1::2]]),