Jennifer Taylor 4a84b1a793
Fix Headings on README
2022-05-01 12:16:05 -04:00
.. Fix Headings on README 2022-05-01 12:16:05 -04:00 Add a FileBytes class that allows diffing and patching to be done against files that are not fully loaded in RAM. 2021-10-20 19:22:32 +00:00 Add a FileBytes class that allows diffing and patching to be done against files that are not fully loaded in RAM. 2021-10-20 19:22:32 +00:00 Fix returning too much data when grabbing a chunk that overlaps a patched section and the end of a file. 2021-10-25 21:19:59 +00:00
py.typed Make type hints in library accessible to mypy. 2021-06-27 17:39:22 +00:00


Collection of utilities written in Python for working with various arcade binaries. This is mostly suited towards the separated formats found in MAME archival releases but also work on a variety of binaries from basically anywhere. It is fully typed and requires a minimum of Python 3.6 to operate.


The ByteUtil class provides a series of handy ROM manipulation functions for combining split ROMs and byteswapping ROMs. Use these when you are attempting to combine ROMs that are dumped from multiple chips but are meant to be mapped to high and low bytes in memory on a 16-bit or 32-bit arcade system.


Takes a single byte argument "data", assumes that it is a 16-bit ROM where the upper and lower bytes have been swapped and swaps them. Returns a new bytes object of the same length where the upper and lower bytes of each 16-bit pair are swapped.


Takes a single byte argument "data", assumes that it is a 32-bit ROM where each of the 32-bit words is swapped. Returns a new bytes object of the same length where each 32-bit chunk of bytes is swapped.


Takes two byte aruments "upper" and "lower" and assumes that these represent a ROM dump from two 16-bit chips that are memory-mapped to a 32-bit word on the hardware they were dumped from. Assembles them both into a single 32-bit ROM file where each 32-bit word is made up of the 16-bit upper value and 16-bit lower value of the two inputs.


Takes two byte aruments "upper" and "lower" and assumes that these represent a ROM dump from two 8-bit chips that are memory-mapped to a 16-bit word on the hardware they were dumped from. Assembles them both into a single 16-bit ROM file where each half-word is made up of the 8-bit upper value and 8-bit lower value of the two inputs.


Takes a single byte argument "data", assumes that it is a 32-bit ROM and splits it into two 16-bit ROMs of the upper and lower halves of each 32-bit value, returning a tuple of the upper and lower bytes. This is the exact reciprocal of combine16bithalves.


Takes a single byte argument "data", assumes that it is a 16-bit ROM and splits it into two 8-bit ROMs of the upper and lower halves of each 16-bit value, returning a tuple of the upper and lower bytes. This is the exact reciprocal of combine8bithalves.


A class that can be passed an open file handle for a binary file that was opened either in read-only or append mode. Presents a bytearray-like interface where data can read or written as if it was an array in memory without loading the file into RAM. This can be used with any function in BinaryDiff that takes an argument of type bytes in order to minimize the memory footprint of patching on systems with limited RAM.

In addition to the properties and methods below, you can call len() on an instance of FileBytes to get the length, you can index into it using array syntax, and you can add an instance of FileBytes or binary data to an existing FileBytes instance in order to append data, much like a bytes or bytearray instance.

handle property

Returns the original handle that this FileBytes instance was constructed with. Note that this is read-only by design so that the handle cannot be changed out from under the class.

clone() method

Returns a clone of the current FileBytes instance so that the clone or original can be safely modified without affecting the other copy. Note that if you choose to call write_changes() on any instance of a FileBytes, all clones of that instance will be placed into a mode where they can only be cloned themselves to prevent surprises.

append() method

Appends bytes or the contents of another FileBytes instance to the end of this instance. The data will be placed at the very end, resizing the internal representation of the file to fit the data. When calling write_changes() these bytes will be included and the file will be resized accordingly. Note that appending from another FileBytes will cause the entire file to be read before it is appended.

truncate() method

Truncates the internal representation of the file to the number of bytes specified. This discards any data or changes applied after the truncation. When calling write_changes() the file will be resized accordingly to truncate it down.

search() method

Takes a single bytes or FileBytes object and searches the current instance for those bytes. Returns the index of the first found occurence of those bytes if they are present or None of they are not. Note that much like append(), searching from another FileBytes will cause the entire file to be read before it is used as the search term. Optionally a start keyword argument can be supplied to specify an offset to start searching at. Optionally an end keyword argument can be supplied to specify an offset to stop searching at.

write_changes() method

Applies all append, truncate and update operations that were performed to the instance of FileBytes. The file will be updated to match the contents of FileBytes and then the FileBytes instance will be updated to reflect that new file. Once you call this method, any clones of the instance you have written changes back from will invalidate themselves so that you are not surprised by their contents changing out from under you.


The BinaryDiff class provides a series of handy functions for manipulating binary data based on a series of hex differences. It also provides functions for creating a series of hex differences based on two identically-sized binaries. The format is designed to be human-readable.


Given two identically-lengthed bytes arguments "bin1" and "bin2", returns a list of patches that would need to be applied to "bin1" to convert it to "bin2". See the below patch format for documentation as to what each list entry will look like. Note that in addition to bytes, either "bin1", "bin2" or both can be provided instead an instance of FileBytes to diff data that is not loaded into RAM.


Given a list of patches as documented in the patch format section below, looks for a "File Size" special comment and returns the value found. If no such section exists in the list of patches it returns None.


Given a list of patches as documented in the patch format section below, looks for a "Description" special comment and returns the value found. If no such section exists in the list of patches it returns None.


Given a list of patches as documented in the patch format section below, examines the list of patches and determines the minimum length of a binary that could be patched by these patch bytes. Note that this ignores the "File Size" special comment and instead focuses on the highest address of any byte changed by any single patch line.


Given a byte argument "binary" and a list of patches argument "patchlines", examines the series of patches including the "File Size" comment and returns True if the binary supplied could be patched by the patches supplied and False otherwise. Things that could make a binary ineliglbe for patching include having the wrong file size, having not enough bytes to patch or having incorrect bytes at a particular patch offset. If you pass in the optional boolean keyword argument "reverse" set to True, this function will calculate whether the reverse of the patch could instead be applied. If you pass in the optional boolean keyword argument "ignore_size_differences" then the "File Size" comment will be ignored. Note that in addition to bytes, the "binary" argument can be passed an instance of FileBytes in order to check a file for patch applicability without loading it into RAM.


Given a byte argument "binary" and a list of patches argument "patchlines", actually perform the patches requested and return a new binary with the patches applied. If you supply the optional boolean keyword argument "reverse" set to True, this function will instead patch the reverse of each patch. A binary that was patched using BinaryDiff.patch can be reverted back to the original format by calling BinaryDiff.patch again with the "reverse" argument set to True. Note that the only restriction to this is if any of the patches include wildcards then the resulting patched binary cannot be reversed. If you pass in the optional boolean keyword argument "ignore_size_differences" then the "File Size" comment will be ignored. Note that in addition to bytes, the "binary" argument can be passed an instance of FileBytes in order to patch a file without loading it into RAM. If you go this route, make sure to call FileBytes.write_changes after calling BinaryDiff.patch.

Patch Format

The patch format is simple. For each item in the patch list, the number on the left of the colon is the hex offset where the difference was found, and the numbers on the right are the hex values to find and replace. A wildcard (*) can be substituted for a hex pair for any byte in the before section if you do not care what the value is, but be aware that this will make the patch non-reversible. Arbitrary comments are supported anywhere in the list of patches. If a list entry starts with the # character to it will be seen as a comment. Special values are recognized in comments. If you create a comment starting with # File size: then the the data length will be compared against the decimal number placed after the colon and any file not matching that length will be rejected. If you create a comment starting with # Description then all text after the colon will be returned as the patch top level description.

Some examples are as follows:

A simple patch changing a byte in a file at offset 0x256 from 0xAA to 0xDD:

256: AA -> DD

That same patch, but only for files that are exactly 1024 bytes long:

# File size: 1024
256: AA -> DD

A patch that does not care about one of the bytes it is patching. The byte at 0x513 can be any value and the patch will still be applied, and altogether 4 bytes starting at 0x512 will be changed to the hex value 0x00 0x11 0x22 0x33:

512: AA * CC DD -> 00 11 22 33

A patch with multiple offsets, and helpful author descriptions for each section:

# This part of the patch fixes a sprite offset issue.
128: AA -> BB

# This part of the patch fixes sound playback issues.
256: 33 -> 44