add zstd support, add autovndh to repo

This commit is contained in:
PoroCYon 2021-04-05 16:40:38 +02:00
parent 243908254c
commit 036268783e
2 changed files with 231 additions and 0 deletions

220 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import itertools
import os, os.path
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import traceback
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.dummy as multi
verbose = 0
def is_exec(p):
return (p is not None) and os.path.isfile(p) and os.access(p, os.X_OK)
def eprint(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def run_proc_get_stdout(cmdlin):
if verbose > 1: eprint(cmdlin)
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdlin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output =
if proc.returncode != 0:
if verbose > 1: eprint("-> " + str(proc.returncode))
elif verobse > 0:
eprint(str(cmdlin)+" -> " + str(proc.returncode))
return None if proc.returncode != 0 else output
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
return None
def run_one(binf, opt, input_file):
return run_proc_get_stdout([binf]+opt+[input_file])
def run_compr(compr, mpool,inp):
binf, opt, isgz = compr
return list(filter(lambda x: x[0] is not None, o: (run_one(binf,o,inp), isgz), opt)))
def do_vndh(bin_nasm,vndh_dir,brute_result,vtag,vfork,vunibin,vcheat,vnoargv):
blob, isgz = brute_result
vndh_src = os.path.join(vndh_dir, "vondehi.asm")
if not os.path.isfile(vndh_src):
eprint("vondehi src file doesn't exist.")
return None
cmdlin = [bin_nasm,"-fbin","-o/dev/stdout"]
if isgz == 2: cmdlin.append('-DUSE_ZSTD')
elif isgz: cmdlin.append("-DUSE_GZIP")
if vtag is not None: cmdlin.append('-DTAG='+vtag)
if vfork: cmdlin.append('-DUSE_VFORK')
if vunibin: cmdlin.append('-DNO_UBUNTU_COMPAT')
if not vcheat: cmdlin.append('-DNO_CHEATING')
if not vnoargv: cmdlin.append('-DWANT_ARGV')
vbl = run_proc_get_stdout(cmdlin)
return None if vbl is None else (vbl + blob)
opt_xz_lzma = [
[ 'dict=8M' ],
[ 'lc=0,lp=0', 'lc=0,lp=1', 'lc=0,lp=2', 'lc=0,lp=3', 'lc=0,lp=4',
'lc=1,lp=0', 'lc=1,lp=1', 'lc=1,lp=2', 'lc=1,lp=3',
'lc=2,lp=0', 'lc=2,lp=1', 'lc=2,lp=2',
'lc=3,lp=0', 'lc=3,lp=1',
'lc=4,lp=0' ],
[ 'pb=0', 'pb=1', 'pb=2', 'pb=3', 'pb=4' ],
[ 'mf=bt4', 'mf=hc4' ],
[ 'mode=normal' ],
[ 'nice=273' ],
[ 'depth=1000' ]
opt_gzip = [["-cnk9"]]
opt_xz = list(map(lambda x: ['--stdout','--keep']+sum(x,[]),itertools.product(\
map(lambda opts: ['--lzma2='+','.join(opts)], itertools.product(*opt_xz_lzma))
opt_lzma = list(map(lambda opts: ['--stdout','--keep','--lzma1='+','.join(opts)], \
opt_zopfli = [['--gzip','--i1024','-c']]
opt_zstd = [['-z','--ultra','-22','--no-check','--no-dictID','-c','-k','--format=zstd']]
def main(opts):
global verbose
if opts.verbose is not None:
verbose = opts.verbose
if verbose>1:opt_zopfli[0].append('-v')
if not is_exec(opts.nasm):
eprint("nasm binary not found, doesn't exist or is not executable.")
if not is_exec(opts.gzip ): opts.gzip = None
if not is_exec(opts.xz ): opts.xz = None
if not is_exec(opts.lzma ): opts.lzma = None
if not is_exec(opts.zopfli): opts.zopfli = None
comprs = sum([ \
[(opts.gzip , opt_gzip , True )] if opts.gzip is not None else [],
[(opts.xz , opt_xz , False)] if opts.xz is not None else [],
[(opts.lzma , opt_lzma , False)] if opts.lzma is not None else [],
[(opts.zopfli, opt_zopfli, True )] if opts.zopfli is not None else [],
[(opts.zstd , opt_zstd , 2 )] if opts.zstd is not None else [] \
], [])
if len(comprs) == 0:
eprint("No compression methods specified.")
mpool = multi.Pool(
allofthem = list(sum(map(lambda x: run_compr(x, mpool, opts.input_file),
if len(allofthem) == 0:
eprint("No useable results available. See error log.")
allofthem_s = sorted(allofthem, key=lambda x:len(x[0]))
best = allofthem_s[0]
if verbose > 0:
lbl = "xz"
if best[1] == 2:
lbl = "zstd"
elif best[1]:
lbl = "gzip"
eprint(len(best[0]), lbl)
res, stubbed = best[0], None
if not opts.nostub:
stubbed = do_vndh(opts.nasm, opts.vndh, best,
opts.vndh_tag, opts.vndh_vfork, opts.vndh_unibin,
if verbose > 0: eprint("final: "+str(len(res)))
opts.output_file.write(stubbed or res)
if stubbed is not None and opts.rawout is not None:
if __name__=='__main__':
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""\
Computes the smallest possible compressed size of a binary through
brute-forcing, and then automatically vondehi-packs the result using the
correct flags.
p.add_argument('input_file', type=str, metavar='input',
help='The executable file to compress')
p.add_argument('output_file', type=argparse.FileType('wb'), metavar='output',
default=sys.stdout.buffer, nargs='?',
help='Output file (defaults to stdout)')
p.add_argument('--nostub', '-n', action='store_true',
help="Don't prepend a vondehi stub, only compress the input data.")
p.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count',
help='Increase verbosity level (0..2)')
p.add_argument('--gzip', '-g', nargs='?', const=shutil.which('gzip'),
default=None, type=str, help='Enable gzip compression, and'+
' optionally specify which gzip binary to use.')
p.add_argument('--xz', '-x', nargs='?', const=shutil.which('xz'), type=str,
default=None, help='Enable xz (LZMA2) compression, and ' +
'optionally specify which xz binary to use.')
p.add_argument('--lzma', '-l', const=shutil.which('lzma'), type=str,
nargs='?', default=None, help='Enable LZMA1 compression '+
'(using xz), and optionally specify which lzma binary to '+
p.add_argument('--zopfli', '-z', const=shutil.which('zopfli'), nargs='?',
type=str, default=None, help='Enable Zopfli-based gzip '+
'compression, and optionally specify which zopfli binary to'+
' use.')
p.add_argument('--zstd', '-Z', const=shutil.which('zstd'), nargs='?',
type=str, default=None, help='Enable Zstd-based '+
'compression, and optionally specify which Zstd binary to'+
' use.')
p.add_argument('--nasm', type=str, default=shutil.which('nasm'),
help='nasm binary to use')
p.add_argument('--vndh', type=str, default='ext/vondehi',
help='Directory of the vondehi source code')
p.add_argument('--jobs', '-j', type=int, default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(),
help="Number of jobs that run in parallel for the bruteforcing")
p.add_argument('--vndh_tag', type=str, help="Vanity tag to pass to vondehi")
p.add_argument('--vndh_vfork', action='store_true',
help="Tell vondehi to use vfork(2)")
p.add_argument('--vndh_unibin', action='store_true', help="Disable "+
"compatibility with distributions that keep /bin and "+
"/usr/bin separate.")
p.add_argument('--vndh_cheat', action='store_true', help="Assume file "+
"descriptor numbers and hope arguments and environment "+
"variables are passed correctly by chance to the payload."+
" You cannot use this if you're running on Wayland.")
p.add_argument('--vndh_no_argv', action='store_true', help="Don't properly"+
" keep track of the stack location, makes argv passing bork"+
" but saves a few bytes. Only in effect if --vndh_cheat is "+
"not enabled.")
p.add_argument('--rawout', type=argparse.FileType('wb'),
help='File to write the raw compressed data to (if --vndh is enabled).')

View File

@ -171,14 +171,25 @@ __self:
db 0
%ifdef USE_ZSTD
db '/usr'
db '/bin/zstdcat',0
%ifdef USE_GZIP
db '/bin/zcat',0
db '/usr'
db '/bin/xzcat',0
; ^ end USE_GZIP
; ^ end USE_ZSTD
; if you insist
%ifdef TAG