
116 lines
4.6 KiB

from typing import Union as U, Generic as G, Optional as O, TypeVar, Mapping, Sequence
from ..core.base import Type, Context, PathElement
from import Stream, Pos, PosInfo
from ..core.util import format_value
from ..core.expr import Expr
from ..core import to_type
from .data import Nothing
T = TypeVar('T')
V = TypeVar('V')
class Switch(G[T, V], Type[T]):
def __init__(self, options: Mapping[V, Type[T]], selector: O[V] = None, default: O[V] = None, fallback: O[Type[T]] = None) -> None:
self.options = options
self.default_key = default
self.default_val = fallback
self.selector = selector
def get_value(self, context: Context, peek: bool = False) -> Type[T]:
default = context.peek(self.default_val) if peek else context.get(self.default_val)
options = context.peek(self.options) if peek else context.get(self.options)
if self.selector is not None:
selector = context.peek(self.selector) if peek else context.get(self.selector)
elif self.default_key is not None:
selector = context.peek(self.default_key) if peek else context.get(self.default_key)
return to_type(default)
if selector not in options:
if default:
return to_type(default)
raise ValueError(f'selector {selector} not any in options {", ".join(str(o) for o in options)}')
return to_type(options[selector])
def parse(self, context: Context, stream: Stream) -> T:
child = self.get_value(context)
with context.enter(None, child):
return context.parse(child, stream)
def dump(self, context: Context, stream: Stream, value: T) -> None:
child = self.get_value(context)
with context.enter(None, child):
context.dump(child, stream, value)
def sizeof(self, context: Context, start: PosInfo, value: O[T]) -> O[PosInfo]:
child = self.get_value(context, peek=True)
with context.enter(None, child):
return context.sizeof(child, start, value)
def offsetof(self, context: Context, start: PosInfo, path: Sequence[PathElement], value: O[T]) -> O[PosInfo]:
child = self.get_value(context, peek=True)
with context.enter(None, child):
return context.offsetof(child, start, value)
def default(self, context: Context) -> T:
child = self.get_value(context, peek=True)
with context.enter(None, child):
return context.default(child)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'{format_value(self.options, str)}[{self.selector}]'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{__name__}.Switch({self.options!r}, selector={self.selector!r}, default={self.default_key!r}, fallback={self.default_val!r})'
class If(G[T,V], Type[U[T, V]]):
def __init__(self, cond: Expr, true: Type[T], false: Type[V] = Nothing()) -> None:
self.cond = cond
self.true = true
self.false = false
def parse(self, context: Context, stream: Stream) -> U[T, V]:
if context.get(self.cond):
child = to_type(self.true)
child = to_type(self.false)
with context.enter(None, child):
return context.parse(child, stream)
def dump(self, context: Context, stream: Stream, value: U[T, V]) -> None:
if context.get(self.cond):
child = to_type(self.true)
child = to_type(self.false)
with context.enter(None, child):
return context.dump(child, stream, value)
def sizeof(self, context: Context, start: PosInfo, value: O[U[T, V]]) -> O[PosInfo]:
if context.peek(self.cond):
child = to_type(self.true)
child = to_type(self.false)
with context.enter(None, child):
return context.sizeof(child, start, value)
def offsetof(self, context: Context, start: PosInfo, path: Sequence[PathElement], value: O[U[T, V]]) -> O[PosInfo]:
if context.peek(self.cond):
child = to_type(self.true)
child = to_type(self.false)
with context.enter(None, child):
return context.offsetof(child, start, path, value)
def default(self, context: Context) -> U[T, V]:
if context.peek(self.cond):
child = to_type(self.true)
child = to_type(self.false)
with context.enter(None, child):
return context.default(child)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'({self.cond} ? {self.true} : {self.false})'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{__name__}.If({self.cond!r}, {self.true!r}, {self.false!r})'