
1502 lines
45 KiB

A struct parsing library.
import os
import io
import types
import collections
import inspect
import itertools
import struct
import copy
import datetime
import errno
from contextlib import contextmanager
__all__ = [
# Bases.
'Type', 'Context', 'Proxy',
# Special types.
'Nothing', 'Static', 'RefPoint', 'Ref', 'Process', 'Map', 'Capped', 'Generic', 'WithFile', 'Lazy',
# Numeric types.
'Bool', 'Int', 'UInt', 'Float', 'Double', 'Enum',
# Data types.
'Sig', 'Str', 'Pad', 'Data',
# Misc types.
# Algebraic types.
'Struct', 'Union', 'Tuple', 'Switch',
# List types.
# Choice types.
'Maybe', 'Any',
# Helper functions.
'parse', 'to_parser', 'emit'
def indent(s, count, start=False):
""" Indent all lines of a string. """
lines = s.splitlines()
for i in range(0 if start else 1, len(lines)):
lines[i] = ' ' * count + lines[i]
return '\n'.join(lines)
def format_value(f, formatter, indentation=0):
""" Format containers to use the given formatter function instead of always repr(). """
if isinstance(f, (dict, collections.Mapping)):
if f:
fmt = '{{\n{}\n}}'
values = [indent(',\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(
format_value(k, formatter),
format_value(v, formatter)
) for k, v in f.items()), 2, True)]
fmt = '{{}}'
values = []
elif isinstance(f, (list, set, frozenset)):
l = len(f)
if l > 3:
fmt = '{{\n{}\n}}' if isinstance(f, (set, frozenset)) else '[\n{}\n]'
values = [indent(',\n'.join(format_value(v, formatter) for v in f), 2, True)]
elif l > 0:
fmt = '{{{}}}' if isinstance(f, (set, frozenset)) else '[{}]'
values = [','.join(format_value(v, formatter) for v in f)]
fmt = '{{}}' if isinstance(f, (set, frozenset)) else '[]'
values = []
elif isinstance(f, (bytes, bytearray)):
fmt = '{}'
values = [format_bytes(f)]
fmt = '{}'
values = [formatter(f)]
return indent(fmt.format(*values), indentation)
def format_bytes(bs):
return '[' + ' '.join(hex(b)[2:].zfill(2) for b in bs) + ']'
def format_path(path):
s = ''
first = True
for p in path:
sep = '.'
if isinstance(p, int):
p = '[' + str(p) + ']'
sep = ''
if sep and not first:
s += sep
s += p
first = False
return s
def class_name(s: object, module_whitelist=['builtins']):
module = s.__class__.__module__
name = s.__class__.__qualname__
if module in module_whitelist:
return name
return module + '.' + name
def friendly_name(s: object) -> str:
if hasattr(s, '__name__'):
return s.__name__
return str(s)
def seeking(fd, pos, whence=os.SEEK_SET):
oldpos = fd.tell()
fd.seek(pos, whence)
yield fd
fd.seek(oldpos, os.SEEK_SET)
class Context:
__slots__ = ('root', 'value', 'path', 'user', 'size')
def __init__(self, root, value=None):
self.root = root
self.value = value
self.path = []
self.user = types.SimpleNamespace()
self.size = None
def enter(self, name, parser):
self.path.append((name, parser))
def add_ref(self, size):
if self.size is None:
self.size = sizeof(self.root, self.value)
offset = self.size
yield offset
self.size += size
def format_path(self):
return format_path(name for name, parser in self.path)
class Type:
def format(self, input, context):
return None
def parse(self, input, context):
fmt = self.format(input, context)
if fmt:
length = struct.calcsize(fmt)
vals = struct.unpack(fmt, input.read(length))
if len(vals) == 1:
return vals[0]
return vals
raise NotImplementedError
def emit(self, value, output, context):
fmt = self.format(output, context)
if fmt:
output.write(struct.pack(fmt, value))
raise NotImplementedError
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return None
class Nothing(Type):
def parse(self, input, context):
return None
def emit(self, value, output, context):
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return 0
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}>'.format(class_name(self))
class Static(Type):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def parse(self, input, context):
return to_value(self.value, input, context)
def emit(self, value, output, context):
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return 0
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}({!r})>'.format(class_name(self), self.value)
class RefPoint(Type):
def __init__(self, child, reference=None):
self.child = child
self.reference = reference
def parse(self, input, context):
if self.reference is not None:
pos = input.tell() + self.reference
pos = 0
pos += parse(self.child, input, context)
return pos
def emit(self, value, output, context):
pos = value
if self.reference is not None:
pos -= input.tell() + reference
return emit(self.child, pos, input, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return sizeof(self.child, value, context)
class Ref(Type):
def __init__(self, child, point=None, reference=os.SEEK_SET):
self.child = child
self.point = point
self.reference = reference
def parse(self, input, context):
point = to_value(self.point, input, context)
with seeking(input, point, self.reference) as f:
return parse(self.child, f, context)
def emit(self, value, output, context):
point = to_value(self.point, output, context)
with seeking(output, point, self.reference) as f:
return emit(self.child, value, f, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return 0 # sizeof(self.child, value, context)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {!r} (point: {}, reference: {})>'.format(class_name(self), self.child, self.point, self.reference)
class Process(Type):
def __init__(self, child=None, parse=None, emit=None):
self.child = child
self.do_parse = parse
self.do_emit = emit
def parse(self, input, context):
val = parse(self.child, input, context)
if self.do_parse:
val = self.do_parse(val)
return val
def emit(self, value, output, context):
if self.do_emit:
value = self.do_emit(value)
return emit(self.child, value, output, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return sizeof(self.child, value, context)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}{}{}>'.format(
', parse: {}'.format(self.do_parse) if self.do_parse else '',
', emit: {}'.format(self.do_emit) if self.do_emit else ''
class Map(Type):
def __init__(self, child=None, mapping={}):
self.child = child
self.mapping = mapping
self.reverse = {}
# Do it somewhat awkwardly to support all kinds of iterators
for k in mapping:
self.reverse[mapping[k]] = k
def parse(self, input, context):
value = parse(self.child, input, context)
return self.mapping.get(value, value)
def emit(self, value, output, context):
value = self.reverse.get(value, value)
return emit(self.child, value, output, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
value = self.reverse.get(value, value)
return sizeof(self.child, value, context)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {}>'.format(class_name(self), self.mapping)
class Generic(Type):
def __init__(self):
self.child = []
def resolve(self, v):
if isinstance(v, Generic):
def pop(self):
def __parser__(self, ident):
return to_parser(self.child[-1])
def parse(self, input, context):
if not self.child:
raise ValueError('unresolved generic')
return parse(self.child[-1], input, context)
def emit(self, value, output, context):
if not self.child:
raise ValueError('unresolved generic')
return emit(self.child[-1], value, output, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return sizeof(self.child[-1], value, context)
def to_value(self):
return self.child[-1]
def __repr__(self):
if self.child:
return '<{} @ 0x{:x}: {!r}>'.format(class_name(self), id(self), self.child[-1])
return '<{} @ 0x{:x}: unresolved>'.format(class_name(self), id(self))
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self
class CappedFile:
def __init__(self, file, max, exact=False):
self._file = file
self._pos = 0
self._max = max
self._start = file.tell()
def read(self, n=-1):
remaining = self._max - self._pos
if n < 0:
n = remaining
n = min(n, remaining)
self._pos += n
return self._file.read(n)
def write(self, data):
remaining = self._max - self._pos
if len(data) > remaining:
raise ValueError('trying to write past limit by {} bytes'.format(len(data) - remaining))
self._pos += len(data)
return self._file.write(data)
def seek(self, offset, whence):
if whence == os.SEEK_SET:
pos = offset
elif whence == os.SEEK_CUR:
pos = self._start + self._pos + offset
elif whence == os.SEEK_SET:
pos = self._start + self._max - offset
if pos < self._start:
raise OSError(errno.EINVAL, os.strerror(errno.EINVAL), offset)
self._pos = pos - self._start
return self._file.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
def __getattr__(self, n):
return getattr(self._file, n)
class WithFile(Type):
def __init__(self, child, file):
self.child = child
self.file = file
def parse(self, input, context):
return parse(self.child, self.file(input), context)
def emit(self, output, value, context):
return emit(self.child, self.file(output), value, context)
class LazyEntry:
__slots__ = ('child', 'input', 'pos', 'context')
def __init__(self, child, input, context):
self.child = child
self.input = input
self.pos = input.tell()
self.context = context
def __call__(self):
with seeking(self.input, self.pos):
return parse(self.child, self.input, self.context)
def __str__(self):
return '~~{}'.format(self.child)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {!r}>'.format(class_name(self), self.child)
class Lazy(Type):
def __init__(self, child, length=0):
self.child = child
self.length = length
def parse(self, input, context):
entry = LazyEntry(to_parser(self.child), input, context)
input.seek(self.length, os.SEEK_CUR)
return entry
def __str__(self):
return '~{}'.format(self.child)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {!r}>'.format(class_name(self), self.child)
class Capped(Type):
def __init__(self, child, limit=None, exact=False):
self.child = child
self.limit = limit
self.exact = exact
def parse(self, input, context):
start = input.tell()
capped = CappedFile(input, self.limit)
value = parse(self.child, capped, context)
if self.exact:
input.seek(start + self.limit, os.SEEK_SET)
return value
def emit(self, value, output, context):
start = output.tell()
capped = CappedFile(output, self.limit)
ret = emit(self.child, value, capped, context)
if self.exact:
output.seek(start + self.limit, os.SEEK_SET)
return ret
def sizeof(self, value, context):
child = sizeof(self.child, value, context)
if child is None or self.exact:
return self.limit
if self.limit is None:
return child
return min(child, self.limit)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {!r} (limit={})>'.format(class_name(self), self.child, self.limit)
'le': 'little',
'be': 'big',
class Int(Type):
def __init__(self, n, signed=True, order='le'):
self.n = n
self.signed = signed
self.order = order
def parse(self, input, context):
n, rem = divmod(self.n, 8)
if rem != 0:
raise ValueError('{} can only decode byte-multiple integers, got: {} bits'.format(class_name(self), self.n))
data = input.read(n)
if len(data) != n:
raise ValueError('too little data ({} bytes) to parse {}-bit integer'.format(len(data), self.n))
return int.from_bytes(data, byteorder=ORDER_MAP[self.order], signed=self.signed)
def emit(self, output, value, context):
n, rem = divmod(self.n, 8)
if rem != 0:
raise ValueError('{} can only encode byte-multiple integers, got: {} bits'.format(class_name(self), self.n))
output.write(value.to_bytes(n, ORDER_MAP[self.order], signed=self.signed))
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return self.n // 8
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}{}, {}, {}>'.format(
'unsigned' if not self.signed else 'signed',
class UInt(Type):
def __new__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return Int(*args, signed=False, **kwargs)
class Bool(Type):
def __init__(self, child=UInt(8), false=0, true=1):
self.child = child
self.false = false
self.true = true
def parse(self, input, context):
value = parse(self.child, input, context)
if value == self.true:
return True
elif value == self.false:
return False
raise ValueError('value {} is neither true nor false'.format(value))
def emit(self, output, value, context):
return emit(self.child, self.true if value else self.false, output, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return sizeof(self.child, self.true if value else self.false, context)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}({!r}, false: {}, true: {})>'.format(
class Float(Type):
32: 'f',
64: 'd'
def __init__(self, n=32, order='le'):
self.n = n
self.order = order
def format(self, input, context):
endian = ORDER_MAP[to_value(self.order, input, context)]
kind = self.SIZE_MAP[to_value(self.n, input, context)]
return '{e}{k}'.format(e=endian, k=kind)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return self.n // 8
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}{}, {}>'.format(class_name(self), self.n, self.order.upper())
class Double(Type):
def __new__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return Float(*args, n=64, **kwargs)
class Enum(Type):
def __init__(self, enum, child, exhaustive=True):
self.child = child
self.enum = enum
self.exhaustive = exhaustive
def parse(self, input, context):
val = parse(self.child, input, context)
return to_value(self.enum, input, context)(val)
except ValueError:
if self.exhaustive:
return val
def emit(self, value, output, context):
if isinstance(value, self.enum):
value = value.value
return emit(self.child, value, output, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
if isinstance(value, self.enum):
value = value.value
return sizeof(self.child, value, context)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {}>'.format(class_name(self), self.enum)
class Sig(Type):
def __init__(self, sequence):
self.sequence = sequence
def parse(self, input, context):
sequence = to_value(self.sequence, input, context)
data = input.read(len(sequence))
if data != sequence:
raise ValueError('{} does not match expected {}!'.format(data, sequence))
return sequence
def emit(self, value, output, context):
output.write(to_value(self.sequence, output, context))
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return len(self.sequence)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {}>'.format(class_name(self), format_bytes(self.sequence))
class Str(Type):
type = str
def __init__(self, length=None, kind='c', elem_size=1, exact=True, encoding='utf-8', length_type=UInt(8)):
self.length = length
self.kind = kind
self.exact = exact
self.encoding = encoding
self.length_type = length_type
self.elem_size = elem_size
def parse(self, input, context):
length = to_value(self.length, input, context)
kind = to_value(self.kind, input, context)
exact = to_value(self.exact, input, context)
encoding = to_value(self.encoding, input, context)
if kind in ('raw', 'c'):
chars = []
for i in itertools.count(start=1):
if length is not None and i > length:
c = input.read(self.elem_size)
if not c or (kind == 'c' and c == b'\x00' * self.elem_size):
if length is not None and exact:
left = length - len(chars) - (kind == 'c' and c == b'\x00' * self.elem_size)
if left:
input.read(left * self.elem_size)
data = b''.join(chars)
elif kind == 'pascal':
outlen = parse(self.length_type, input)
if length is not None:
outlen = min(length, outlen)
if length is not None and exact:
left = length - outlen
left = 0
data = input.read(outlen)
if left:
raise ValueError('Unknown string kind: {}'.format(kind))
return data.decode(encoding)
def emit(self, value, output, context):
length = to_value(self.length, output, context)
kind = to_value(self.kind, output, context)
exact = to_value(self.exact, output, context)
encoding = to_value(self.encoding, output, context)
if not length:
length = len(value) + 1
value = value[:length].encode(encoding)
if kind in ('raw', 'c'):
written = len(value)
if kind == 'c' and written < length:
written += 1
if self.exact and written < length:
output.write(b'\x00' * (length - written))
elif kind == 'pascal':
def sizeof(self, value, context):
if self.exact and self.length is not None:
base = self.length
elif value is not None:
base = len(value)
return None
if self.kind == 'pascal':
size_len = sizeof(self.length_type, base, context)
if size_len is None:
return None
elif self.kind == 'c' and not self.exact:
size_len = self.elem_size
size_len = 0
return base * self.elem_size + size_len
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}({})>'.format(class_name(self), self.kind)
class Pad(Type):
def __init__(self, length=0, value=b'\x00', reference=None):
self.length = length
self.value = value
self.reference = reference
def parse(self, input, context):
length = to_value(self.length, input, context)
reference = to_value(self.reference, input, context)
if self.reference is not None:
length = length - (input.tell() - reference)
data = input.read(length)
if len(data) != length:
raise ValueError('Padding too little (expected {}, got {})!'.format(length, len(data)))
return None
def emit(self, value, output, context):
length = to_value(self.length, output, context)
value = to_value(self.value, output, context)
if self.reference is not None:
length = length - (output.tell() - reference)
amount, remainder = divmod(length, len(value))
output.write(value * amount)
if remainder:
def sizeof(self, value, context):
if self.reference is not None:
return None
return self.length
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {} * {}>'.format(class_name(self), self.length, format_bytes(self.value))
class Data(Type):
type = bytes
def __init__(self, length=0):
self.length = length
def parse(self, input, context):
length = to_value(self.length, input, context)
if length is None:
length = -1
data = input.read(length)
if length >= 0 and len(data) != length:
raise ValueError('Data length too little (expected {}, got {})!'.format(length, len(data)))
return data
def emit(self, value, output, context):
def sizeof(self, value, context):
if self.length is None or self.length < 0:
if value is not None:
return len(value)
return None
return self.length
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}{}>'.format(class_name(self), ': ' + str(self.length) if self.length is not None else '')
class DateTime(Type):
def __init__(self, child=None, format=None, timestamp=False, timezone=None):
self.child = child
self.format = format
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.timezone = timezone
def parse(self, input, context):
val = parse(self.child, input, context)
if self.timestamp:
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(val, tz=self.timezone)
return datetime.datetime.strptime(val, self.format)
def emit(self, value, output, context):
if self.timestamp:
val = value.timestamp()
val = value.strftime(self.format)
return emit(self.child, val, output, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
if self.timestamp:
return sizeof(self.child, value.timestamp(), context)
return sizeof(self.child, value.strftime(self.format), context)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {}>'.format(class_name(self), 'UNIX timestamp' if self.timestamp else self.format)
def proxy_magic_method(name, type=None):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._check_magic_method(name, type, *args, **kwargs)
return inner
class Proxy(Type):
def __init__(self, type):
self.__type = type
def parse(self, input, context):
return context.parents[-1]
def emit(self, value, output, context):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return ProxyAttr(to_type(getattr(self.__type, name)), self, name)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return ProxyItem(None, self, key)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(self.__type, '__annotations__'):
type = self.__type.__annotations__.get('return')
type = None
return ProxyCall(type, self, args, kwargs)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self
def _check_magic_method(self, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(self.__type, name):
getattr(self.__type(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
proxy = self.__getattr__(name).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
proxy.__type = proxy.__type or type or self.__type
return proxy
raise NotImplemented
raise AttributeError
'add', 'sub', 'mul', 'matmul', 'truediv', 'floordiv', 'mod', 'divmod', 'pow',
'lshift', 'rshift', 'and', 'xor', 'or'
# misc arithmethic
'neg': None, 'pos': None, 'abs': None, 'invert': None,
'complex': None, 'int': int, 'float': float, 'round': int, 'trunc': int, 'floor': int, 'ceil': int,
# attributes, iteration
'index': int, 'dir': list, 'next': None,
# context management
'enter': None, 'exit': None,
# async
'await': None, 'aiter': None, 'anext': None, 'aenter': None, 'aexit': None,
# representations
#'str', 'repr', 'bytes', 'format', 'hash',
# comparison
'lt': bool, 'ge': bool, 'eq': bool, 'ne': bool, 'gt': bool, 'ge': bool,
for pfx in ('', 'r', 'i'):
MAGIC_METHODS[pfx + x] = None
for x, t in MAGIC_METHODS.items():
x = '__' + x + '__'
setattr(Proxy, x, proxy_magic_method(x, t))
class ProxyAttr(Proxy):
def __init__(self, type, parent, name):
self.__name = name
self.__parent = parent
def parse(self, input, context):
return getattr(parse(self.__parent, input, context), self.__name)
class ProxyCall(Proxy):
def __init__(self, type, parent, args, kwargs):
self.__parent = parent
self.__args = args
self.__kwargs = kwargs
def parse(self, input, context):
args = [to_value(a, input, context) for a in self.__args]
kwargs = {k: to_value(v, input, context) for k, v in self.__kwargs.items()}
return parse(self.__parent, input, context)(*args, **kwargs)
class ProxyItem(Proxy):
def __init__(self, type, parent, name):
self.__parent = parent
self.__name = name
def parse(self, input, context):
return parse(self.__parent, input, context)[self.__name]
class MetaSpec(collections.OrderedDict):
def __getattr__(self, item):
return self[item]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(item)
def __setattr__(self, item, value):
if '__' in item:
super().__setattr__(item, value)
self[item] = value
class MetaStruct(type):
def __prepare__(mcls, name, bases, generics=[], **kwargs):
attrs = MetaSpec({'_' + k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()})
attrs['self'] = Proxy(attrs)
attrs['_generics'] = generics
attrs.update({n: Generic() for n in generics})
attrs.update({k: globals().get(k) for k in __all__ if k[0].isupper()})
return attrs
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs):
spec = MetaSpec()
hooks = {}
generics = collections.OrderedDict()
for base in bases:
spec.update(getattr(base, '_spec', {}))
hooks.update(getattr(base, '_hooks', {}))
generics.update(getattr(base, '_generics', collections.OrderedDict()))
del attrs['self']
for k in __all__:
if k[0].isupper():
del attrs[k]
for n in attrs['_generics']:
g = attrs.pop(n)
generics[g] = None
attrs['_generics'] = generics
for key, value in attrs.copy().items():
if key.startswith('on_'):
hkey = key.replace('on_', '', 1)
hooks[hkey] = value
del attrs[key]
elif isinstance(value, Type) or (inspect.isclass(value) and issubclass(value, Type)) or value is None:
spec[key] = value
del attrs[key]
attrs['_spec'] = spec
attrs['_hooks'] = hooks
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return super().__init__(*args)
def __getitem__(cls, ty):
if not isinstance(ty, tuple):
ty = (ty,)
amount = len(ty)
if amount > len(cls._generics):
raise TypeError('too many generics arguments for {}: {}'.format(
cls.__name__, amount
new_name = '{}[{}]'.format(cls.__name__, ', '.join(friendly_name(r) for r in ty))
new = type(new_name, (cls,), cls.__class__.__prepare__(new_name, (cls,)))
generics = collections.OrderedDict()
for g, child in zip(cls._generics, ty):
generics[g] = child
new._generics = generics
return new
class Struct(Type, metaclass=MetaStruct):
_align = 0
_union = False
_hide = []
_partial = False
_generics = collections.OrderedDict()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__ordered__ = collections.OrderedDict(self.__dict__)
self._spec = copy.deepcopy(self._spec)
for n in self._spec:
setattr(self, n, None)
for n, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, n, v)
def __setattr__(self, n, v):
# Store new sets in ordered dict.
super().__setattr__(n, v)
self.__ordered__[n] = v
def parse(self, input, context):
n = 0
pos = input.tell()
for g, child in self._generics.items():
for name, parser in self._spec.items():
if parser is None:
setattr(self, name, None)
for name, parser in self._spec.items():
with context.enter(name, parser):
if parser is None:
if self._union:
input.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
val = parse(parser, input, context)
nbytes = input.tell() - pos
if self._union:
n = max(n, nbytes)
if self._align:
amount = self._align - (nbytes % self._align)
input.seek(amount, os.SEEK_CUR)
nbytes += amount
n = nbytes
setattr(self, name, val)
if name in self._hooks:
self._hooks[name](self, self._spec, context)
except Exception as e:
# Check EOF and allow if partial.
b = input.read(1)
if not self._partial or b:
if b:
input.seek(-1, os.SEEK_CUR)
# allow EOF if partial
for g in self._generics:
input.seek(pos + n, os.SEEK_SET)
return self
def emit(self, value, output, context):
n = 0
pos = output.tell()
for name, parser in self._spec.items():
with context.enter(name, parser):
if self._union:
output.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
field = getattr(value, name)
emit(parser, field, output, context)
nbytes = output.tell() - pos
if self._union:
n = max(n, nbytes)
if self._align:
amount = self._align - (nbytes % self._align)
output.write('\x00' * amount)
nbytes += amount
n = nbytes
if name in self._hooks:
self._hooks[name](value, self._spec, context)
for g in self._generics:
output.seek(pos + n, os.SEEK_SET)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
n = 0
for g, child in self._generics.items():
for name, parser in self._spec.items():
with context.enter(name, parser):
if value:
field = getattr(value, name)
field = None
nbytes = sizeof(parser, field, context)
if nbytes is None:
n = None
if self._union:
n = max(n, nbytes)
if self._align:
amount = self._align - (nbytes % self._align)
nbytes += amount
n += nbytes
return n
def __iter__(self):
# Filter out fields we don't want to print: private (_xxx), const (XXX), methods
return (k for k in self.__ordered__ if not k.startswith('__') and k != '_spec' and not k[0].isupper() and not callable(getattr(self, k)))
def __eq__(self, other):
for k in self:
ov = getattr(self, k)
tv = getattr(other, k)
except AttributeError:
return False
if ov != tv:
return False
return True
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(self))
def __fmt__(self, fieldfunc):
# Format our values with fancy colouring according to type.
args = []
for k in self:
if k.startswith('_'):
val = getattr(self, k)
if val in self._hide:
val = format_value(val, fieldfunc, 2)
args.append(' {}: {}'.format(k, val))
args = ',\n'.join(args)
# Format final value.
if args:
return '{} {{\n{}\n}}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, args)
return '{} {{}}'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
def __str__(self):
return self.__fmt__(str)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__fmt__(repr)
class Union(Struct, union=True):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __setattr__(self, n, v):
super().__setattr__(n, v)
val = io.BytesIO()
emit(self._spec[n], v, val)
for fn, fs in self._spec.items():
if fn != n:
super().__setattr__(fn, parse(fs, val))
class Tuple(Type):
def __init__(self, children):
self.children = children
def parse(self, input, context):
vals = []
for i, child in enumerate(self.children):
with context.enter(i, child):
vals.append(parse(child, input, context))
return vals
def emit(self, value, output, context):
for i, (child, val) in enumerate(zip(self.children, value)):
with context.enter(i, child):
emit(child, val, output, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
n = 0
if value is None:
value = [None] * len(self.children)
for i, (child, val) in enumerate(zip(self.children, value)):
with context.enter(i, child):
nbytes = sizeof(child, val, context)
if nbytes is None:
n = None
n += nbytes
return n
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}({})>'.format(class_name(self), ', '.join(repr(c) for c in self.children))
class Switch(Type):
def __init__(self, default=None, fallback=None, options=None):
self.options = options or {}
self.selector = default
self.fallback = fallback
def current(self):
if self.selector is None and not self.fallback:
raise ValueError('Selector not set!')
if self.selector not in self.options and not self.fallback:
raise ValueError('Selector {} is invalid! [options: {}]'.format(
self.selector, ', '.join(repr(x) for x in self.options.keys())
return self.options[self.selector] if self.selector is not None else self.fallback
def parse(self, input, context):
return parse(self.current, input, context)
def emit(self, value, output, context):
return emit(self.current, value, output, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
return sizeof(self.current, value, context)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {}>'.format(class_name(self), ', '.join(repr(k) + ': ' + repr(v) for k, v in self.options.items()))
class Maybe(Type):
def __init__(self, child):
self.child = child
def parse(self, input, context):
pos = input.tell()
return parse(self.child, input, context)
input.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
return None
def emit(self, value, output, context):
if value is None:
return emit(self.child, value, output, context)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
if value is None:
return 0
return sizeof(self.child, value, context)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{!r}?>'.format(self.child)
class Any(Type):
def __init__(self, children):
self.children = children
def parse(self, input, context):
exceptions = []
pos = input.tell()
parsers = [to_parser(c, i) for i, c in enumerate(self.children)]
for child in parsers:
input.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
return parse(child, input, context)
except Exception as e:
messages = []
for c, e in zip(parsers, exceptions):
message = str(e)
if '\n' in message:
first, _, others = message.partition('\n')
message = '{}\n{}'.format(first, '\n'.join(' {}'.format(line) for line in others.split('\n')))
messages.append('- {}: {}: {}'.format(type(c).__name__, type(e).__name__, message))
raise ValueError('Expected any of the following, nothing matched:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(messages)))
def emit(self, value, output, context):
exceptions = []
pos = output.tell()
parsers = [to_parser(c, i) for i, c in enumerate(self.children)]
for child in parsers:
output.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
return emit(child, value, output, context)
except Exception as e:
messages = []
for c, e in zip(parsers, exceptions):
message = str(e)
if '\n' in message:
first, _, others = message.partition('\n')
message = '{}\n{}'.format(first, '\n'.join(' {}'.format(line) for line in others.split('\n')))
messages.append('- {}: {}: {}'.format(type(c).__name__, type(e).__name__, message))
raise ValueError('Expected any of the following, nothing matched:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(messages)))
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}[{}]>'.format(class_name(self), ', '.join(repr(c) for c in self.children))
class Arr(Type):
def __init__(self, child, count=-1, max_length=-1, stop_value=Type, pad_count=0, pad_to=0):
self.child = child
self.count = count
self.max_length = max_length
self.stop_value = stop_value
self.pad_count = pad_count
self.pad_to = pad_to
def parse(self, input, context):
res = []
i = 0
pos = input.tell()
count = to_value(self.count, input, context)
max_length = to_value(self.max_length, input, context)
stop_value = to_value(self.stop_value, input, context)
pad_count = to_value(self.pad_count, input, context)
pad_to = to_value(self.pad_to, input, context)
while count < 0 or i < count:
if max_length >= 0 and input.tell() - pos >= max_length:
start = input.tell()
if isinstance(self.child, list):
child = to_parser(self.child[i], i)
child = to_parser(self.child, i)
with context.enter(i, child):
v = parse(child, input, context)
except Exception as e:
# Check EOF.
if input.read(1) == b'':
input.seek(-1, os.SEEK_CUR)
if pad_count:
input.seek(pad_count, os.SEEK_CUR)
if pad_to:
diff = input.tell() - start
padding = pad_to - (diff % pad_to)
if padding != pad_to:
input.seek(padding, os.SEEK_CUR)
if v == stop_value or (max_length >= 0 and input.tell() - pos > max_length):
i += 1
return res
def emit(self, value, output, context):
stop_value = to_value(self.stop_value, output, context)
pad_count = to_value(self.pad_count, output, context)
pad_to = to_value(self.pad_to, output, context)
if stop_value:
value = value + [stop_value]
for i, elem in enumerate(value):
start = output.tell()
child = to_parser(self.child, i)
with context.enter(i, child):
emit(child, elem, output, context)
if pad_count:
output.write('\x00' * pad_count)
if pad_to:
diff = output.tell() - start
padding = pad_to - (diff % pad_to)
if padding != pad_to:
output.write('\x00' * padding)
def sizeof(self, value, context):
if self.count >= 0:
length = self.count
elif value is not None:
length = len(value) + (1 if self.stop_value else 0)
return None
n = 0
if value is None:
value = [None] * length
for i, v in enumerate(itertools.chain(value, [self.stop_value])):
if i >= length:
child = to_parser(self.child, i)
with context.enter(i, child):
nbytes = sizeof(self.child, v, context)
if nbytes is None:
n = None
if self.pad_count:
nbytes += self.pad_count
if self.pad_to:
padding = self.pad_to - (nbytes % self.pad_to)
if padding != self.pad_to:
nbytes += padding
n += nbytes
return n
def __repr__(self):
return '<[]{!r}>'.format(self.child)
def to_input(input):
if isinstance(input, (bytes, bytearray)):
input = io.BytesIO(input)
return input
def to_parser(spec, ident=None):
if isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
return Tuple(spec)
elif hasattr(spec, '__parser__'):
return spec.__parser__(ident)
elif isinstance(spec, Type):
return spec
elif inspect.isclass(spec) and issubclass(spec, Type):
return spec()
elif callable(spec):
return spec(ident)
raise ValueError('Could not figure out specification from argument {}.'.format(spec))
def to_value(p, input, context):
if isinstance(p, Generic):
return p.to_value()
if isinstance(p, Type):
return p.parse(input, context)
return p
class DestructError(Exception):
def __init__(self, context, inner):
self.context = context
self.inner = inner
def __str__(self):
return '[{}]: {}: {}'.format(
self.context.format_path(), class_name(self.inner), str(self.inner)
def __repr__(self):
return '{}(context={!r}, inner={!r})'.format(
class_name(self), self.context, self.inner
class ParseError(DestructError):
class EmitError(DestructError):
class SizeError(DestructError):
def parse(spec, input, context=None):
parser = to_parser(spec)
context = context or Context(parser)
at_start = not context.path
return parser.parse(to_input(input), context)
except Exception as e:
if at_start:
raise ParseError(context, e)
def emit(spec, value, output, context=None):
parser = to_parser(spec)
ctx = context or Context(parser, value)
return parser.emit(value, to_input(output), ctx)
except Exception as e:
if not context:
raise EmitError(ctx, e)
def sizeof(spec, value=None, context=None):
parser = to_parser(spec)
ctx = context or Context(parser, value)
s = parser.sizeof(value, ctx)
except Exception as e:
if not context:
raise SizeError(ctx, e)
if s is None:
raise ValueError('size was None')
return s